wife || headcanon - barret wallace

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anonymous asked: Didn't know that u also wrote for barret! He's my fave! I fell in love with him all over again, when i played the remake. So could i get him with a s/o that he's already married to? She is also a mother figure to Marlene. She is like the soft-spoken, motherly type. And barret gets all shy around her too! Like he is usually loud etc but when she walks into the room he gets all blushy and silent! The others even tease him abt it! Thank you! Love ur blog btw! Many hugs!

barret's a hard-talking and grumpy man, so it's only natural that he finds a loving, sweet-talking wife. however, just because you're sweet and caring and seemingly less intimidating than him, it doesn't mean at all that you'll let barret walk all over you - not that he would do that anyway. he holds you on a pedestal, second only to marlene, views you as a goddess and holds a considerable amount of respect for you. in his eyes, you absolutely deserve the entire world and he'll do absolutely anything to make sure that that's the case and that you live in a world that isn't being poisoned by shinra.

he knows instantly that you'll be the perfect mother for marlene. he's seen you interacting with the children of your home town and of the slums before, and he can't help but be dumbstruck with awe and admiration whenever he sees it. and he's absolutely proven correct. you dote on marlene like she's your own, smother her with love and affection and treat her like a little princess, just like she deserves. it doesn't matter that the two of you aren't her biological parents, you'll give her absolutely everything and anything she needs, and as far as the both of you are concerned, she is your daughter.

although you tend to be on the quieter side, barret can tell in an instant when he's in trouble. everyone has a temper with them, and you're no different, and although that temper rarely ever shows, barret knows it's a lethal force. if he ever does something that he knows will make you mad he'll definitely try to play it off for fear of incurring your wrath. his lady may be sweet talking and innocent looking, but he knows you don't take any bullshit. and barret would never ever dare try bullshit you at all - he knows for a fact that it's the last thing he should do and he doesn't want to betray your trust or be dishonest.

you definitely make him a much softer individual. he used to be a bit rough around the edges, building up walls around a lot of people and very rarely letting some people through. but with you letting you in was easy and simple, and he doesn't at all feel under threat or at risk. you have an incredibly positive influence on his life and likely change him into the man he is today - tough acting but secretly a huge teddy bear. around you he's the sweetest man you'll ever come across and it's not hard to tell he's absolutely unequivocally in love with you.

he's without a doubt putty in your hands. he'll instantly relax under you touch, all the tension from his shoulders diffusing and he can truly relax when with you. he's definitely the type to seek out kisses from you, and whenever he arrives home he always makes sure to press a kiss to your lips and wrap you up in his arms for a couple of moments. cuddling on the couch with you and marlene at the end of a long day is definitely his favourite thing ever, and he loves seeing his girls fast asleep and tucked underneath a blanket, safe and sound in his arms. he's 100% happy with his little family, and wouldn't give you or marlene up for the world.

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