love yourself || headcanon - biggs

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anonymous asked: Hi there! Can I request Biggs helping a s/o with low self esteem??

quite honestly, you are the apple of biggs' eye. you're a perfect angel in his eyes, and your fault just make you all the more perfect to him - because it's you, and your faults make you so completely and utterly natural. he loves each and every one of your quirks, praises them constantly, and whenever he sees one of them show itself he can't help but smile fondly, because he's found the most unequivocally natural person ever.

he can tell in an instant when your self-esteem is getting the better of you, he notices the way your smile strains, the corner of your lips turn down and you listen more than you talk. but the most significant change he realises is your eyes, the way that spark reserved only for him seems to abruptly distinguish. it upsets him when you're feeling self-conscious, and he doesn't want you to think you're ugly or unattractive.

he'll immediately take action, he'll wrap his arms around you and tug you close to him, press gentle kisses to the top of your head and other part of your face he can reach, even will bring your hand to his lips and press kisses to all your fingers, pays special attention to your wedding/engagement ring. he'll whisper soothing words to you until you start to finally relax into his embrace, tell you he loves you and that he's so thankful for having you in his life.

then he'll proceed to tell you everything he loves about you, from your perfections to your faults, because he truly does love all of it. it's what makes you, you, and he loves you with absolutely everything he has. whether you're short or tall, skinny or chubby, white or black - biggs loves everything there is about you and you should never worry about him not loving you for who you are.

for the rest of the day and beyond he'll constantly remind you of how much he loves you and how gorgeous you are, how you don't need to be ashamed or self-conscious of any part of yourself. you're beautiful inside and out, and to biggs you always will be. he'll challenge people who think otherwise without a second thought, and he'll be there for you every day you feeling low to pick you back up.

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