light in the dark || scenario - tseng

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anonymous asked: Can I request Tseng Scenario, Where the plate has fallen on sector 7 and everything that happened was just one big mess for him, he comes home and his wife just knows something isn't right and Tseng just breaks down infront of his wife something she's never seen before. But she gives him so hope and happiness and she tells him they're expecting but tseng doesn't feel he'll be a good father but his wife stops him from having these bad thoughts! Angst and fluffy!! Thank you love your writing!😊


You had watched it unfold live on television, the intense battle at the pillar, Avalanche shooting and attacking the Shinra with everything they had, the plate falling and crushing the slums below. It horrified you, you felt sick to your stomach at the sight of it, tears streaming down your face as you watched who knows how many people lose their homes, who knows who many lose their lives. The news reporters were rapidly relaying information to their audience - Avalanche were the perpetrators, they wanted to collapse the pillar and have the topside fall with the plate, it's all to bring Shinra down.

Your hand finds your stomach, and for a minute you think you really are going to throw up, but you stand up and rush over to the kitchen, pouring a glass of water and chugging it down quickly. Tseng. He would have been there, there's no doubt about it, in one of the helicopters nearby. Could he have been in one of the ones that were shot down for Avalanche.

White hot rage rushes through your veins, but you're not sure who you should be angry at. Avalanche, or Shinra?

If the news reports are true, which you doubt they are, then Avalanche are the perpetrators, the ones you should be angry with. But they're trying to save the planet, not kill the ones living on it, right? That's what Tseng had said, anyway, in one of his moments questioning Shinra.

As for Shinra, they were the ones shooting back at Avalanche, they could have just as easily caused the pillar to collapse. And there were so many Shinra soldiers, one of them could easily have been the one to drop the plate in an attempt to stop more Avalanche members from arriving from the slums.

You hold your breath for a moment, before releasing it gently, sucking in another deep breath in an attempt to calm yourself down. Tseng would need you tonight, that much is obvious. Whether he was on the good side or the bad side of this, he'd struggle to cope with what had happened, and he needed you most


Despite how hard he tries to keep it in, it becomes immediately obvious to you that Tseng is struggling. He's completely silent, eyes red with fatigue and his movements are sluggish. He barely even summons the strength to return your hug, doesn't even react to the kiss you press to his lips. He takes three bites of the meal you place in front of him, one long sip of the water you hand in, before placing the heels of his palms against his eyes and clenching his jaw, his body shaking with a silent sob.

When you move over to him, he briefly shies away from your touch, but relaxes into you when you place a soothing hand on his back. He sucks in breaths rapidly, trying to make it seem like he's not crying, but the sight of his tears landing on the table is evidence enough. After a while, you coax his head to the side, so it's resting against your stomach, one hand still on his back whilst the other strokes his hair, a bid to soothe him. His breathing gradually levels, and he rubs his eyes with the back of his hand.

"We killed so many." It's barely a whisper, choked out.

You rake your fingers through his hair, massaging his scalp. "But you've given life to someone too."

He stiffens, lifting his head up to stare into your eyes. He holds your gaze for a moment, and for a second you think he's going to cry again, but instead he bites his lip and turns away. "I'll be a horrible father."

"No," you say firmly, gripping his chin and tilting his head up to look at you. "You won't. You're doing your best, providing for your family, your child. Sometimes evil happens, whether we want it to or not. But there's a chance you've eradicated some evil tonight, contributed towards its end, made the world a better place for you child. We're one step closer to peace, Tseng, and that's all a father could do for a child.

"I know you'll be a good father. I know you will. You want to protect, help people live normal lives. You care so much for others, more than you think you do. It shows in your actions, everything you do. You're a great man, Tseng, and you'll be a better father. I trust you."

He sucks in a breath, nodding, know he won't be able to convince you otherwise. He grips the hand that has fallen limp at your side, a silent thank you. He opens his mouth, closes it, then opens it again holding your gaze for a moment.

"I love you. Thank you."

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