the buzz || scenario - cloud

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anonymous asked: Hey! So I absolutely loved the Biggs scenario 'Worth It' and was hoping to request something similar, but with Cloud deciding to tell the reader how he feels! Maybe instead of the Avalanche members getting in the way, it could be a past s/o of the reader, trying to start things up again like an annoying mosquito? Gimme some of that good ol' angst everybody loves! Thank you sweetheart, and again, you're absolutely amazing! P.s. - Depressed and Anxious was brilliantly written, thank you so much!

Cloud isn't sure what has come over him, but he knows that today is the day. Today is the day he's going to confess his feelings to you, and he's going to do it no matter what. He's spent too long staring at you from afar, and everyone else has expressed their annoyance at his hesitation to confess to you, and he agrees. He's annoyed with himself, and he knows the only way he can get rid of this self-loathing is by confessing to you. But he has to prepare himself for rejection, which is something he's entirely expecting. Tifa had told him once that you harboured the same feelings, but that was ages ago, and you could have easily moved on from those feelings in the time he has taken to profess his love to you.

He doesn't expect to find you waiting outside his door that morning, bright and cheery, presenting him with that mega-watt smile he's grown to love. His heart picks up its speed tenfold, and for a moment he's worried that you can hear it too, because it's thunderous in his ears. And he almost says it, but the words get caught in his throat, and instead he starts to cough erratically, and the way you grip his elbow as you ask him if he's alright sends shock waves through him, paralysing his tongue. All he can do is nod dumbly as you intertwine your fingers with him and usher him towards the bar.

The next moment to confess presents itself later that day, when Tifa makes him accompany you to the market to pick up some groceries for when the bar opens later that night. He'd spent the whole trip trying to phrase it in his mind, and smiling and nodding reassuringly at you whenever you asked him if he's alright - he's been spacing out a lot. When you ask again, he pulls you aside, hesitates for another second, and the opens his mouth to confess, but a voice comes from beside you, and you're distracted by your ex-partner.

Rage rushes through Cloud as he watches your ex blatantly flirt with you, and he can tell you're uncomfortable with the situation. Your ex had been an asshole, and had been confused when you had finally ended with him. He'd continued to pursue you with dogged persistence ever since, hence why you always had someone accompany on you, preferably Barret, because no one messed with Barret.

It happens on impulse, and before he can even think straight Cloud has stepped in front of you, blocking you from your ex's view. Your ex arches a brow, sizes him up, and it's clear he intends to challenge Cloud.

"And, you are?"

"Their boyfriend. Leave them alone."

He can't believe the words are coming out of his mouth, but he has no choice to stick by them now, even when you let out a squeak of confusion and surprise. The ex screws his face up, and Cloud wonders how the hell you could have loved a guy as ugly as this one.


The ex steps back, clearly unsure of how to react, then turns and walks away. Cloud tenses his shoulders, dread rushing through him as he turns to face you. His breath catches in his throat, and he frantically wracks his mind for some sort of excuse. But he doesn't need to, because you press a firm kiss to his lips, and intertwine your fingers with him, smiling brightly up at him.

"Thanks, boyfriend."

His eyes widen.

"Yeah. No problem."

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