jealousy || headcanon - angeal, sephiroth and reno

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anonymous asked: Can I please request some jealousy headcanons for Sephiroth, Angeal and Reno? Like what kind of things would tick them off and how they'd handle it? Thank you!


angeal is a dedicated and prideful man, especially to his role as a SOLDIER, but to you even more so. he'd happily let his entire life be dictated by you if it meant you were happy, and he swears to remain loyal to you for all eternity. you bring him so much joy and fill him with so much love, you're the entire focus of his world.

so, naturally when he sees someone flirting with you so shamelessly, he's enraged. the thought of someone taking his entire world away is incredibly scary to him, and he'd rather die than have some random person take you away from him right in front of him.

he's not typically aggressive unless in battle, but he makes it known to the person flirting with you that they should back away before something bad happens to them. he'll stand in front of you protectively, even if they pose no physical threat, and makes sure they're gone for good before he turns to you to make sure you're ok. you're his top priority, and he's not afraid to let his jealousy show.


sephiroth tries to maintain his aloof appearance when he sees someone flirting with you, but inside he's secretly seething, wishing hell on the person so boldly trying to get you to like them. he'll analyse the person carefully, search for all their strengths and weakness before he makes his move.

when he does finally appear by your side, he'll place a possessive hand on you, preferably your waist so he can tug you closer, and will stare the person down as you introduce the two. he'll shake their hand, but make sure he has an all too tight grip on the perpetrator's hand - it's overly satisfying when they wince.

once the introductions are done, he'll tell them to never come near you again before proceeding to whisk you away. he'll happily accept you berating him for how rude he is, but he wants to make sure you're as far away as possible from them, so they can never take you away.


reno knows he's the jealous type, and he's more than happy to make that clear to you. whenever you're around someone else, he's always scrutinising them, checking them out for any possible threat. you know when he doesn't like the person, as he'll stick by your side whenever you're around them, and silently stare them down.

when he sees someone flirting with you, he's enraged mostly at himself, because he willingly left you alone with that person, believing them to not be a threat. he'll stalk over to the two of you immediately, won't even have a plan in mind as he gathers you up in his arms and glares at the person angrily as you try to laugh off reno's actions.

he'll make sure the person is watching as he smashes his lips into yours and kisses you passionately. he wants the person to know that you're his, and even if you're punching and hitting him out of embarrassment, he's more than happy to accept it. when the the person finally walks away, he'll pull away from the kiss with a triumphant grin, and takes the slap you give him with pride.

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