healing touch || scenario - tifa

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anonymous asked: Hello hope you're having a great day so far I personally really enjoy your headcanons and I request if you can do a tifa x reader scenario where the reader come back from a mission but the reader is heavily injured. And if possible can the reader be male? If not than that's fine.

You can't help but hiss as Tifa cleans your wound, and she whispers an apology instinctively, softening her touch as much as possible to reduce the pain of the alcohol as it cleans your wound. It's one of the nastiest gashes you had received, and undoubtedly the most painful, and the wet, cool flannel Tifa presses to your head with her other hand does little to distract you. The stinging gradually subsides, until there's nothing but a dull, throbbing ache in your side. You can faintly feel Tifa pull away, before moving back and gently pressing a gauze swab atop it, using one hand to keep it in place and the other to remove the flannel from your forehead, before moving it down to your upper arm.

"I'm sorry but you need to sit up," she says, wrapping her hand around your bicep. "I'm going to have to wrap a bandage around you to keep it in place."

With a grunt, you push yourself up, Tifa's hand guiding you carefully, prepared to catch you should you suddenly pull back. Your body is screaming, pounding in pain, and Tifa's lips tilt downwards when you let out a sharp breath at the pain. She's distressed to see you in so much pain, but she knows if this wound isn't wrapped then it could develop into something life potentially life threatening. She guides your hand to hold onto the edge of the gauze swab to keep it in place, casting an anxious glance at the bandage wound around your bicep, before reaching for the bandages again.

"I'm going to have to wrap my arms around you to get the bandage on, but I'll try my best to make sure I don't hurt you."

"It's fine. Don't worry, as long as it's wrapped up."

She bites her bottom lip hesitantly. "Alright, if you say so."

After another second's hesitation, she reaches her arms around your waist, fiddling with the end of the bandage roll, before gently pressing the end against your side, pulling the roll around your waist, switching hands so she can wind it around your back. She gets into the rhythm of it, still remaining as tender as possible, before reaching for a pair of scissors and cutting the bandage, skillfully pinning it to stop it from unwinding. She pulls away, trying to distract herself from your naked torso, heat creeping up her neck as she packs away the medical kit silently.

"Thank you."

"It's no problem, really," Tifa insists, closing the box and rising to her feet. She smiles down at you sweetly. "I'll refresh this flannel for you. Do you need anything?"

"Just some water."

She nods, before slipping out of the room. As you slowly lay down, you hear her move about in the kitchen. A cupboard opens, the med-kit placed inside, another cupboard opened as the other closes, a glass removed, clinking against the others inside, water running before turning off. Your eyelids flutter closed, a wave of relief washing over you as the pain momentarily disappears, and you listen carefully as Tifa walks in, pausing at the door momentarily, before moving over to where you lay.

Placing the glass quietly down on the bedside table, she leans over you, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, before covering it with the cool flannel.

"You have a healing touch."

She gasps when you speak, backing away slightly. "I'm sorry - I thought you were - "

Opening your eyes, you tilt your head towards her, smiling faintly. "It's fine. Really." Patting the bed, you hold your gaze. "Stay. Please."

There's a pregnant pause, before she nods, sitting on the edge of the bed and placing her hand over yours. "Rest now, you need to heal."

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