injuries || headcanon - biggs, cloud and rufus

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anonymous asked: Thank you for doing these, I really love your writing and look forward to them! Could you possibly do Biggs, Rufus, and Cloud with an s/o who was badly injured?


biggs feels immense guilt when you're seriously injured, and will undoubtedly initially blame himself. he's an over-thinker, and will probably analyse the incident intently, raking through multiple scenarios in his head in which he could have prevented the injury. it'll take an awful lot of convincing before he finally accepts your insistence that he's not at fault.

he'll willingly nurse you back to health, making sure you receive the best initial medical attention possible in the slums and staying by your side until you're fully recovered. he'll redress your wounds and make sure they don't get infected, and will get whatever you need in order to heal to full health. he'll willingly go in search for herbs and anything else needed for medical remedies.

he'll be at your every beck and call, so if you ever need anything, then he'll go and get it himself, and will briefly call on jessie or wedge to watch you whilst he's gone. he wants to make sure you have everything you want within arms reach so that you don't have to get up. he'll help you move about everywhere, make sure you're secure as you move about. he just wants you to be happy and healthy.

cloud strife

cloud will blame himself when you get seriously injured. he's an ex-SOLDIER, one of the strongest men out there, with plenty of years of training and fighting under his belt. but he couldn't even protect you from being attacked, and as a result you're seriously injured. he probably will never believe you when you tell him he's not at fault, but if you're persistent he may eventually relent.

he's not the best nurse, but he'll certainly give it his all, and will ask tifa to teach him so he can help you if she or someone else can't. he'll practice redressing your wound, and is overly cautious to make sure that he's not hurting you when he tugs it tight to ensure it won't unwind. he tries his best, and will willingly go anywhere to find medicinal herbs if it means you'll heal faster.

he'll get you whatever you need whilst you're recovering, and will check up on you almost every half an hour. he wants to ensure you're comfortable and not in pain, but also doesn't want to be too invasive, although he certainly is during the first stages of your recovery. but as long as you're safe, he'll get over his shyness at this fact.

rufus shinra

rufus will be furious when you're seriously injured. he hired guards for a reason, so the fact that they failed their duty of protect you enrages him. he'll also slightly blame himself too, for wrongly choosing the guards to protect you - he had made sure to personally select them, but he'd made a mistake, and he feels ashamed of the extent of that mistake.

he'll hire the best medical professional in all of midgar to tend to you, perhaps even pay for some to come from other cities, just to ensure that nothing in your treatment will go south. he wants you to be as happy and healthy as physically possible, and money is certainly not an issue if you're the subject. he'll also try his best to tend to your medical needs too, helping adjust bandages and redress them during the night if they're uncomfortable.

he'll make sure you have absolutely everything at your fingertips, he wants you to be comfortable and he doesn't want you to not go without anything. he'll have staff on hand that you can call on if you need something, and if you specifically request rufus he'll immediately drop everything at work and come back home to you. he'll continue to drop everything for you for as long as he needs to until you're back on your feet.

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