fake dating || scenario - reno

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anonymous asked: Ooh! Can you write something along the lines of fake dating with Reno for a mission that ends up in a kiss to maintain your cover?

This was perhaps one of the worst situations a mission could have ever put you in. You've experienced being held at gun point, faced off with beasts at least twenty times your size, and have even had to fight five perpetrators at once with no support in sight and only your bare fists as weapons.

But this, this was perhaps worse than them all combined.

Reno's grip on your hand was tight as he swung it, which you knew he was doing only to annoy you. He was enjoying this, and if the mission wasn't as important as it was, you would have quite happily delivered a hearty punch to his stupid smirk and risk blowing your cover. But the mission was important, and you couldn't risk the consequences of the punch, you couldn't risk losing this lead. This was, in Tseng's words, the most important mission the Turks have dealt with this year thus far, and therefore it was to be executed perfectly.

Though you question this as Reno places his hand on your back, guiding you into the restaurant your suspect was dining in with one of his many suitors. Tseng always said the mission was of the utmost importance, and those words had slowly lost their meaning, but there was a certain edge to his tone this time that you couldn't ignore. You'd have to deal with Reno's gentle touches, touches that are all too comfortable considering you're meant to be fake dating. Sometimes a compliment would slip out of his mouth that seemed all too genuine, and when you discreetly look around there's no enemy in sight, but he insists you've just missed them, and who are you to question that.

Reno's back is facing the perpetrator, but he keeps his shoulders tensed, ready to strike as soon as you give the signal should you both be in danger. You can't help but notice the discreet looks the slimy old man is sending your way, and it unsettles you, Reno's reassuring grip being the only thing to stop you from squirming in your seat.

Aside from the disconcerting glances your receiving, the dinner is pleasant, and you and Reno exchange mundane stories, even finding the opportunity to laugh. Had the perpetrator expected anything when you entered, he certainly wouldn't now. As far as he was concerned, you were a young couple in love, and he had no reason to believe otherwise.

The perpetrator rises from his seat, quietly excusing himself to his date, before turning and walking towards the back. You and Reno exchange a look, and he inclines his head towards you, prompting you to rise. He squeezes your hand as you pass, silent reassurance as you follow after the man. The door he walks through leads to a small waiting room, toilets positioned on either side of the room, a couch in the middle. You move over to the door to the toilet on the right, a single one, that requires you to wait patiently until the person inside is done, and lock the door from the outside, swiftly moving over to the couch and sitting down on it before the perpetrator can exit the other.

He soon does, eyes zeroing in on you patiently waiting on the couch, pretending to be distracted by your phone, finger positioned over the button Shinra had installed in case of emergency to alert others. There's a pregnant pause, and then the perpetrator steps forwards, and you instinctively press down on the button. Reno would be here in any second.

"I must say, you're one of the most gorgeous people I've seen in my entire life."

The man's words send a chill down your spine, and you attempt to smile up at him. "Oh, thank you."

There's another pregnant pause, and your shoulders tense at every second that passes by.

"That young man you're with, I couldn't help but notice. You don't seem to be a couple. Are you perhaps on a first date? Does he make you uncomfortable?"

You stand up straight at his words, alarm bells ringing loudly in your head, and the door slams open, Reno wide-eyed as he looks around from you, relief washing through him at the sight of you, unharmed.

"Oh, sweetheart, we were just talking about you!" you exclaim, moving over to him quickly and wrapping your arms around him. You press a hand to his exposed chest, a sign for him to follow the act. You turn to the man, putting your most dazzling smile on as Reno's hand wraps protectively around you, and although you'd usually rip it off you, you're grateful for the protection. "He's my fiance, actually."

The man's eyes widen slightly, and he turns to Reno, who holds his gaze for a mere second before turning his head to peer down at you, before looking back at the man. "Nice to meet you." He turns his gaze back to you, holds your eyes for a second, before leaning down and pressing a firm grip to your lips. When he pulls back, you're breathless, speechless, unsure of how to react except stare at him dumbly. "Are you feeling better now?"

You stare silently for a moment longer, before understanding his message - let's get out of here. "Actually, I think I just want to go home."

He nods, turns to look back at the man, who watches them carefully. "Sorry to bother you, sir."

"No, it's fine, really," the man says, swallowing. "I just want to say, I think you're a gorgeous couple."

"I'm sure you do," Reno shoots back. "See you around."

Reno guides you out of the back swiftly, escorting you to the front of the restaurant and out of the doors with his arm still wrapped stiffly around you. He doesn't remove it until the two of you reach your shared hotel room, letting out a sigh of relief when he closes the door. There's an intense moment of silence as you both stare at each other, and he's the first to speak.

"I'm sorry for doing that. It was the only thing that came to your head."

With a roll of your eyes, you smirk at him, crossing your arms over your chest. "Take it as a thanks for saving me, then."

He's silent for a moment, contemplating. "Guess I'll have to save you more often, if that's the reward."

You can't help but laugh at his attempt to charm you, shaking your head fondly at his blatant flirtation. "I guess you will, fake fiance."

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