Untitled Part 54

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In the outskirts, by the river, the water is shining and glowing with golden light.

PeiPei stood on the stone by the river, looking at the surrounding scenery, there was a confused look on her little face.

Now, where should I go?

In order to prevent the group of "parallel imports" from looking for her again, she has already swam far along the branch of the river, no one can compare to her.

Although she also wanted to swim back to the sea in one breath, but now this place is a few days away from the sea.

What's more, this little body is not very strong.

Therefore, it is not realistic to return to the island now.

Drops of water dripped wetly down the sideburns and chin, peipei clothes and hair were all wet.

A gust of wind blew, and the shadows of tall trees swirled around, and the trembling leaves rustled.

Feeling the coldness coming from my body that was already soaked and the clothes were clinging to my body, uncomfortable.

"Ah Che" Paipei couldn't help shivering.

It is very far from the official road, and there are no people nearby, so it looks desolate.

Just as she was considering whether to hunt or not, a gentle male voice suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Whose child are you, why are you here alone?"

Looking up, on the slope not far away, a man in a blue cloth was looking at her worriedly, with clear and warm eyes.

Pepey glanced at him, but said nothing.

It is estimated that it was passing by and left in a while.

At this moment, the young man noticed that the little doll standing by the river was soaked all over. Without much thought, he hurried over.

While unpacking his own baggage, he took out a set of large dry clothes and draped it over peipei. he asked anxiously, 

"Did you accidentally fall into the water?"

Seeing that the little doll's hair was still wet, he immediately found another clean and soft clothes and wiped her dripping hair.

Pei Pai never spoke or answered any of the man's questions, her eyes were erratic and she seemed to be distracted. 

Judging from the man's stature and pace, he was just a weak guy without any force, posing no threat to her.

There was no reply, and the young man did not ask any further questions, but gently and carefully wiped the little doll's hair.

After thinking about it for a while, he immediately put down his burden, walked into the woods beside him, picked up some dry branches, came back, found flint and flint, and soon a bunch of open flames were ignited.

Looking at this skillful behavior, it should be a lot of camping in the wild.

The man brought the companion to the fire and sat down, smiled at her and said, "Do you feel a little warmer now?"

The temperature of the flame was hot and warm. The chill and coldness on the body were gradually dispelled and the little face that had always been indifferent finally showed a lazy expression, very satisfied.

Seeing this, the man couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and a gentle smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little girl, why are you here alone and separated from your family?" 

In this deserted suburb outside the city, there were no two or three pedestrians passing by for a long time. How could there be such a young child here alone, still soaking wet, just now he saw a pale baby standing by the river alone, motionless.

If it wasn't for the clear sky, he would have been taken aback.

PeiPei still ignores the young man, her face is a little impatient, and he lets himself go on and on.

Seeing that the little baby still didn't speak, the man could not help frowning slightly, thinking of something, and then there was a hint of pity in his eyes.

Are you frightened or are you born unable to speak? peipei focused on the fire, and did not notice the man's eyes at this time.

Suddenly, the man stretched out a big hand and grabbed her arm.

Pei Pei suddenly raised her head and stared at him coldly.

The meaning is obvious, why look at the defensive eyes of the little doll, thinking about more understanding and tolerance, the young man's eyes become softer.

He said softly, "I'm sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Lou Zhao and I'm a Youfang doctor. I see that little girl face is not good, and worried that you may catch a cold, so I want to take a pulse for you." 

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