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when will this never ending cycle stop? is there anyone out there that can save me? kamisama please! send me someone to end this nightmare.

akami ayame a disheartened woman with silky long black hair, cried desperately as she dug her claws into her pale face, it was a face she could no longer recognize.

the odor of salt and metal flowed around her as she sat in a pool of crimson, a pool filled by the cries of innocent lives that was cut short by her own hands.

"well done my dear, so how does it feel to be saved from the grasps of death and reborned?"

a man stood behind her with villainous red eyes that witnessed everything, he lifted up her blood soaken hair grinning with satisfaction.

her trembling body slowly turned just enough to glance at the man who bears the same face as a dear friend she once knew, tears slid down her blood stained face

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her trembling body slowly turned just enough to glance at the man who bears the same face as a dear friend she once knew, tears slid down her blood stained face. she lifted her trembling hand with sharp claws and grasped the skirt of his yukata.

"what have you done to me" she said with her head hanging staring at her reflection in the blood.

"i made you into a superior being, with this now you will be able to join me and acquire power beyond belief, be grateful"

her grasp loosened upon hearing his absurd words, she felt a heavy thud as if something important had left her. she cracked and started to laugh in a tone that suited the being that she had become.

"grateful? hm, hm, ha, ha, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

his eyes narrowed as he continued to stare down at her.

"have you gone mad? is that all it took for you to fall apart? a being i so carefully created?"

she sat there silently not even the sound of her breathing could be heard, the man crouched down and harshly grabbed her face turning it to face him.

"answer me!"

the light that burned in her once caring eyes had been extinguished and only dull eyes of a doll was left.

"how boring i expected more from you, is this all you have to offer? pathetic"

he aggressively let go of her face letting it hang once more, the man walked out of the house stepping on the bodies of the dead. before disappearing he glanced back at her

"ill be back to fetch you you're still of use to me, in the meantime stay there and keep groveling"

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"ill be back to fetch you you're still of use to me, in the meantime stay there and keep groveling"

he faded into the night leaving the defected doll he had created to go look for another, but what he didnt know was the doll he left behind was a ticking time bomb that had been set off.

she clenched her fist and her fang peircing her bottom lip she let out a howl.


blowing everything away around her, it started to rain. the cold drops drenched her body as if the heavens are cleansing her of all the blood, she cursed kibutsuji over and over in a crazed agaony. her dull eyes burned with rage birthing a new version of herself, one that strived to become stronger and crush the man she once considered a friend.

the crimson red puddle around her began to tremble and swirl forming a single flower, she gently held it. "give me some time once everything is over ill gladly take all of your suffering that i caused and take it with me to hell".

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