character info

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name: hirata kageki

hair color: white/grey

hair length: lower back

eyes: black sclera and yellow irises

height: 197cm

affiliation: muzans underling

race: demon

age: 25 when human 900 as demon

appearance: dark grey skin with lomg black horns

appearance: dark grey skin with lomg black horns

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something like this, buff and has a dragon tail.


with a fur outline and dangling beads no shoes

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with a fur outline and dangling beads no shoes

weapon: bulky claws

personality: twisted psychotic flirty overbearing cunning sadistic

he likes to see people slowly break apart under his feet an play with them, especially to those who have caught his interest he loves fighting strong people even if it means his death.

blood demon art: shadow control

Kekijutsu rulers domain: he can pull people into his own domain that floats in the sky giving him control of his opponents escape route, inside looks like a waste land during the day with a red sky, takes a long time to create the longer he does it the bigger and stronger but while he is creating it he cannot move out of his circle which he will draw around himself with blood and once he is successful the domain will expand from it. The domain will automatically break under the sun or once he's dead.

Kekijutsu shadow dogs: like the name he can summon a pack of shadow canines that attack his opponents, depending on how much shadow there is around him he can summon from 1-100 at a time but in his domain he can summon as many as he wants within that range even without a shadow.

Kekijutsu hells judgment: a shadow pool will form under the opponents with dark hands reaching up essentially binding them in place slowly puli them down into an abyss he can choose to keep them there or send them to wherever he wants within his reach and a place with shadows, in,y way to escape is if you can create a light to eliminate the dark fully which is kinda impossible.

Kekijutsu reapers glory: a grim reaper appears and creates a huge slash with its scythe.

Kekijutsu shadows territory: he can emerge from people's shadows and hide in them as well but once the shadow disappears he will be forced out.

Kekijutsu eternal night: he can take away people's vision making them go blind for a set amount of time ranging from 1-30 minutes but the longer he does it for the more it will impact him as it also takes away his vision slowly.

Kekijutsu shadows reality: for example his claws shadow will be bigger than the actual thing he can use that to his advantage by absorbing that shadow which will cover his claws in a dark mist making his claws the same size as his shadow ones which greatly increases his attack size and range or make it smaller as well depending on the shadow size he can do the same with anything that has a shadow except for a living being.

Kekijutsu black haze: he can unleash multiple swarms of shadows and manipulate them however he wants as blades whips swords etc all depends on how much shadow is in his surroundings.

Kekijutsu monarchs puppet: he can take control of his opponent once he breaks them down into a vulnerable state or when their guard is down which lets him implant them with his spell a smoke will surround them making them look like a shadow person once it's successful, usually done by enraging the opponent. Can be broken out of if the victim is somehow calmed down or regains their composure dead or he purposely breaks it the more he uses it the more it will drain the victim, and during this time his ability to fight is decreased since he is focusing on controlling the puppet and if he looses control the puppet can also break free.


he was the son of a famous martial artist, he was loved by his parents and his fathers fans but as he grew older they noticed something was off about him, he eventually took interest in repulsive things like people loosing their sanity thinking it's was entertaining because you could never tell what they would do in that state and because of his twisted and violent nature people began to outcast him and looked at him as a monster, his parents tried everything they could to help them but he eventually drove them insane causing them to commit in front of him at the age of 13.

The people who worshipped his father all blamed him and targeted him for his death, he found it funny how the people who once loved him easily threw him away because his interest were different from theirs. He ran away from his home to live as a traveller, during his travels he saved a injured girl from a demon by beating it until daybreak and he was shocked at how it suddenly disappeared, he found his way to becoming a demon slayer purely for the joy of fighting them while putting up a front of a righteous warrior. He always worked solo so people wouldn't see him in his crazed state while slaughtering them, but he was caught in the act one day by the same girl he saved, he was about to kill her but before he did he asked what her opinion on him and if she thought he was disgusting as well and to his surprise the woman said she didn't care and accepted him saying "if you really were a monster then you wouldn't have saved a stranger like me and instead you would've left me to struggle in vain at the hands of the monster, but you didn't you risked your life for me and because of that I can never think of you as a monster no matter what twisted interests you have.

They eventually fell in love and settled down in the countryside and had a child. When the people of his old town caught wind of it they were shocked and immediately went to his house when he was away, they took his wife captive thinking she was a victim but when she told them she knew everything they deemed her as another crazy person that was brainwashed by kageki and to put her out of her "misery" they killed her and left her body in his home. When he arrived to see his dead wife and child he went crazy and felt what it was like to be the one to go insane and he sought to gain revenge on whoever did this. He would hide in the shadows and slowly creep up on them like a ghost, either doing things to make them think they were delusional and eventually drive them insane or straight up brutally torture them until they died this went on until he hunted down every last person from his hometown and once he did he vowed to join his wife. Once the day came he brought a sword to his neck but muzan stopped him and lured him into becoming his subordinate at that point he had lost all hope and didn't care so muzan took advantage of that and made him a close aide as he forgot all of his memories as a human.

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