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he hanged his head in disappointment upon hearing her answer and dropped it on her lap, after a few moments of silence his eyes widened in shock seeing her have no reaction. "hoh?" his eyes squinted.

"what is it now"

"nothing its just surprising usually ayame chan would've cut my head off or something like that"

knowing ayame wasnt fond of his clingy nature douma didnt care, despite being harshly rejected each time in a way that could've killed a normal person, he still persisted and would occasionally cling to her like so in attempt to get closer.

she looked down at him and put a finger to his forehead

"would you like me to?"

douma laughed before wrapping her finger within his hands and putting it on his cheek he nuzzled against her hand.

"of course not its rare that ayame chan lets me do this so i have to savor it~"

he replied cheekily. she returned to face the window gazing at the view of a bright outside where the sun shone brightly and where his worshipers would bustle around. Ayame reached her spare hand out into the warm sunlight in hopes of feeling its not so gentle warmth.

at first her hand had no reaction to the sun giving her hope as her eyes glistened, but shortly after her hand met with the sun it went up in flames slowly crucifying her skin, watching it crumble her eyes drooped in disappointment by the harsh reality.

douma who noticed what she was doing quickly reached up and grabbed her arm pulling her burnt hand back in,

"ara ayame chan why did you do that? look your pretty hand is all burnt"

he placed the healing hand on the other side of his cheek making her practically cup his face. she gazed down at him looking as joyous as ever, she opened her mouth about to say something but ended up shutting it again.

douma noticed a sorrowful look form on her face her eyes slanted and the small light in her eyes dimmed even more, watching this pitiful demon yearn to freely bathe in the sun once more he thought of an idea.

"ah ayame chan ayame chan, why dont you hold a kagura dance for the worshipers and villagers at my temple~"

her eyes widened at his out of character suggestion.

"thats unlike you to ask something like that"

he grinned still holding onto her hands.

"well i have reasons, because ayame chan seems sad and i thought that doing this would make you happy and give you a sense of being human again since you did this when you were one no? And ayame chan likes humans dont you? also i myself would like to see it and bring in more followers"

upon hearing douma's words, her mind wondered off with the fresh breeze blowing her back to the past.

"hahahha come on ayame chan we're gonna be late for the festival"



"Ayame chan!"

she snapped back into reality from douma's call and a sudden peirce in her arm, she looked down and was shocked to see douma had latched onto her arm.

she snapped back into reality from douma's call and a sudden peirce in her arm, she looked down and was shocked to see douma had latched onto her arm

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