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"Tengen san is holding off the two demons right now"

"There's two of them?!?"

Tanjiro asked

"Yes, and the only way to kill them is by removing their heads together at once, so tanjiro zenitsu Inosuke and I will handle the girl, kyojuro you will join tengen and handle the upper moon demon"

"Hmu! I see, this will be quite problematic if we don't time it right"

He said with his arms crossed looking up towards the building.

"Yes, but we don't have a choice let's get going now"

Both kyojuro and tanjiro jumped down from the top floor where the hole tengen made was, landed in between him and the demon, while ayame flew through the open wall behind them grabbing daki by the neck out of the building separating the two.

The three boys soon followed suite meeting ayame on top of a roof where she threw daki on.

"Just who's neck do you think you're grabbing you wrench!!"

standing up from the rubble a third eye split open upon her forehead.

"Well either way you're all dead! Because onii-san is awake now this is my true strength!"

She yelled as her sashes went rampant slicing everything around her like a wild wind, and at the same time blood blades were mixed within. ayame tried her best to protect the boys from getting hurt while throwing her own attacks. "If only I had my katana right now" she thought.

"Ahaha!!Die you ugly turds!,"

"Would you please just shut up?"

Ayame replied appearing behind her like a shadow severing her sashes to cease her attack for even a moment, but because her fans weren't made of the same material as a nichirin blade they were instantly healed as they shot towards her stomach.

"Ayame san!"

Tanjiro shouted in worry while already on his way to help her, but his worry was quickly ceased when the sash went through ayame only for her to fade like a smoke upon the ring of a bell.

"Blood demon technique sacred sound of the bell"

Daki gritted her jaw flipping her head back and forth trying to locate ayame while watching out for the others as well, a sound of a bell rang beside her but daki wasn't able to react fast enough to dodge and without realizing she had lost an arm.

"Why yo-"

She sliced her sash through but only for the past to repeat itself as she disappeared once again.


A voice screeched, hinatsuru had been captured by gyuutaro and everyone became panicked. kyojuro immediately headed towards the roof just as gyuutaro was about to kill her, his eyes widened as a bell sounded and Ayame appeared out of thin air crushing gyuutaro under her feet she swiped hinatsuru away while kyojuro and tengen headed in for his head.

"I am in your debt Ayame! It seems I had judged you wrong"

With each of their blades on the sides of his neck combining their strength they nearly severed his head only for him to escape by unleashing a deadly swirl of blades. The two were blown away in opposite directions

"Kyojuro! Tengen san!"

Ayame shouted while protecting hinatsuru from the incoming sashes, they had to finish the battle fast since both kyojuro tanjiro and tengen had been poisoned by Guutaros sickles.

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