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"How long are you planning on poking my head Douma"

Ayame annoyingly said with her now shadow like hands pulling away his chilling ones.

"Until Aya chans headaches stop happening maybe?"

He cheekily replied twisting his hand over on top of ayame's as he pulled it towards his face, sighing she glanced to the side with the dawning sun slowly illuminating the world initiating yet another day.

"Aww is it morning already? I wanted to have some more fun with Aya chan~"

"Do you need to go somewhere? It's daytime though"

She asked with a slightly tilted head.

"Ara~ did you forget Aya chan? I'm a cult leader my followers will be arriving soon"

"Ah...right, then I'll be in my room"

Standing up with her hand slowly slipping away from douma's grasp, she headed out the inner shoji with Douma waving her goodbye from behind. Entering her plain quiet room, she sat down by the chabudai. She could hear the rustling sounds of people entering, the different footfalls belonging to different people, small gentle ones from kids, heavy and hollow ones from grown men, and slow frail ones from the elderly.

On days like these she wondered what she used to do to past time, but no matter how hard she thought a strange static blocked her from remembering. Leaning her head back on the window railing her eyes caught a glimpse of books sitting the shelf, "Ah right, I used to read a lot here, I almost forgot since I didn't read much back there" she thought.

Approaching the shelf she saw a selection of books lined up together, and on each of them had a small note stuck on them. She picked up the closest book to her, and carefully took out the small note reading the familiar looking handwriting.

"This was the book ayame chan last read, it was a book about a traveller, maybe I should go travelling with ayame chan one day, but I wonder where we should go?"

She smiled with a small soft giggle, placing it back on the shelf she moved to the next book.

"This book is the one that I saw the most expressions on ayame chan, I had a lot of fun watching Aya chans lovely lips curl up into a smile, it's my favourite smile"

"This book is the one Aya chan was most interested in, she was always so immersed when she read it that Aya chan always ignored me hmph"

"This one was the one I picked for Aya chan, I could tell she hated it but Aya chan still finished it which made me happy"

As she read all the notes, she could practically imagine Douma sitting on his cushion throne, writing each and every one of them with the same exact smile he always had. Putting the book down she reached towards the last book, that sat at the other end of the shelf more carefully cared for compared to the rest.

"This is Aya chans favourite book, it's a love story, I didn't know Aya chan liked love stories it was unexpected, I wonder if Aya chan wants to find love and have a family again, if she does maybe just maybe I hope the person she is with could be..."

The note ended with a large dot of ink, with the way the ink seeped into the paper she could tell he hesitated for a long time "what was he trying to say?" She wondered when a small tug pulled at the side of her kimono.

Catching her attention ayame turned her face down towards her left side, and there stood a small clone of douma's clung onto her. With a small sigh and a sigh she shut the book and left it back on the shelf, setting it back at the exact place it had been before she knelt down towards the clone with her arms folded on top of her knees.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be focusing on your followers?"

She asked with a stoic expression lying one cheek on her arm, watching the clone to see a reaction that never came. The small ice clone simply stared at her through its crystal like eyes, unmoving as if it were an ice sculpture examining her. "Is he talking with his followers right now?" Ayame thought.

She lifted her head back up and unwrapped her arms from on top of her knees, reaching her hands under the clones arms she carefully picked it up. Her hands felt numbingly cold from only a few seconds of holding it, but she disregarded it as she was only interested in figuring out what Douma had wanted by sending her his clone.

She stood back up with the clone still in hand, walking back towards the chabudai placing it on top like a decoration. It immediately frosted over a small part of the wood below its feet the moment it made contact, her similarly frosted hand let go of its motionless body and she continued to wonder what to do with it.

The people were still bustling loudly throughout the temple, and because of it ayame couldn't even leave her room if she so wanted, and it slightly began to irritate her.

Tapping her pointer finger repeatedly on the chabudai, it knocked like a rhythm. She closed her eyes and leaner her check on a hand, resting her eyes as she waited for something notable to happen.

Loosing track of how much time had passed, she didn't realize the time when cult activities ended had rolled around

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Loosing track of how much time had passed, she didn't realize the time when cult activities ended had rolled around. the sound of similar footsteps leaving made its way to her ears, it woke her from her mediative like state. Her eyes glanced to the side to perfectly meet with douma's as he appeared through the corner.

"Did you miss me? Aya chan~"

"No, after all you sent this little thing to me"

She pointed towards the clone with douma's sound of chuckling erring closer, he sat down criss cross beside her leaning on an arm like ayame did.

"Ne nee Aya chan, let's go have fun somewhere"


She hummed in response while looking towards the soon setting sun, "it's already been a day?" She thought.

"You know, maybe at "that" garden?"

He anonymously mentioned, ayame didn't understand why he had been asking her questions like this from time to time since she came back, asking in a strange tone one would think they were testing them if they had forgotten, and sometimes it truly felt like that when he would ask about things she didn't remember.

"I didn't think you would be interested in going to that garden again, as long as it's quiet then why not"

His eyes brightened relieved that she at least remembered something they shared, giggling he gazed at ayame's serene state.

"Aha was the humans being too loud for aya chan today? Sorry"

"Yes their chattering was quite annoying, if only I could've killed them all"

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