Ch113 rr

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Ayame hummed in response to his call as she laid on top of kyojuro, quietly listening the beat of his heart with her eyes closed.

"What happened... after muzan took you away that day?"


She adjusted her position to face kyojuro with her chin on top of the back of her hands against his chest, with his wrapped around her lower back.


She was hung upside down in the middle of the infinity fortress, hung like a dead animal in a slaughter house, she felt the pressure around her body increase with the flesh squirming tighter around her. It felt as if her ribs and organs were slowly being crushed, but was it truly just a feeling?

Blood spilled out of her mouth as ayame dug her claws into the flesh of the tentacles with the arms that she was able to wiggle out in between the two layers of flesh around her body, slowly ripping streaks down in attempt to free herself another strike of a biwa sounded.

"Did you enjoy your extended time my dear?"

"Ha, anywhere away from you is a bliss, did you really miss me that much that you came for me during the day? I thought you were to much of a coward to pull a stunt like that"

Ayame scoffed at muzan with glaring eyes of hatred.

"You truly put me through a lot of trouble trying to find you, running around like a rat under my nose, but now that you're back why don't you tell me everything you know about those damn slayers"

"If you really think I will tell you, then unfortunately for you that is not the case,  you should just hurry up and finish the job you failed to do last time and kill me"

"As stubborn as always aren't you, well I expected as much, but it's seems you're forgetting what I said"

Ayame's brows frowned and her eyes narrowed at his words, she watched as his lips turned up into a devilish grin. The tentacle began to move again waving her around in the air until eventually smashing her down to the platform before muzan, force kneeling her before him.

"Well no matter, if you forgot I'll just have to remind you, instead of killing you I've decided to stick to my original plan, once your time is up I expect you to join the ranks, do you remember now?"

Ayame's eyes widened as a heavy thud weighed on her heart, this was what she had feared to happen and she much preferred getting killed.


Muzans eyes narrowed harshly grabbing ayame by the face he glared coldly in her eyes.

"You don't have a choice my dear, you will accept take this blood whether you like it or not"

His grip strengthened and even with all her might ayame couldn't fight his much stronger force, her jaw slowly began to crack open and a gush of cold liquid drained down her throat.

His grip strengthened and even with all her might ayame couldn't fight his much stronger force, her jaw slowly began to crack open and a gush of cold liquid drained down her throat

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She could hear her heart thump and an immense pain erupted in her cells, the flesh unwrapped around her as she fell to the ground clenching her chest while she gasped in pain.


"I believe Douma told you the rest?"


Kyojuro said in a dejected tone and downturned brows, annoying Ayame as she pouted and poked a finger at his cheek.

"What's with that tone again kyojuro, I told you it wasn't your fault"

"Hmu, but Aya are you sure you want to go to that meeting alone in a few days? Wouldn't it be dangerous?"

"Its not like I want to go, I don't have a choice if I don't want to be suspected"

She sighed leaning her head against his chest once more.

"Then I shall go with you!"

Ayame's eyes widened in shock, lifted herself up in lightning speed as she looked down at Kyojuro's serious and smiling expression.

"Are you crazy!?!"

"It's safer for you that way isn't it?"


Ayame said poking at his forehead with each word.

"What gave you the idea that it would work? I don't even have a Kekijutsu to hide you with!"

"Perhaps you don't, but I heard yushiro has the ability to do so!"

"You can't be serious... you're practically asking to be killed"

"Maybe so but at least I'll die protecting you!"

He grinned from chin to chin without so much as doubt showing in his eyes, and knowing kyojuro Ayame knew better than to take his words as a joke.

"Don't you dare"

She glared furiously into him with popping veins.

"And if I must bring someone along with me, I would prefer taking someone that can hide their presence well, which means they can conceal their emotions and killing intent, otherwise we'll be instantly exposed"

"Then let's discuss this with oyakata sama first then, and we can decide after!"

Ayame reluctantly agreed to his request, but with the hashiras knowledge of her recent scandal she doubted anyone would volunteer to do such a life threatening task, for a demon no less or at least that's what she hoped for.


"I'll go"

Giyuu said after hearing them out with an unfazed expression. Ayame stood between kyojuro and Giyuu with complete shock ridden on her face, while kyojuro seemed relieved and satisfied. They had just received permission from ubuyashiki regarding the matter, and was on their way to asking potential people fit for the job when they bumped into Giyuu coincidentally right outside the estate.

"Hold on, Giyuu san are you sure about this? You're potentially walking into deaths hands!"

"It is risky, but you said there was a way to prevent being found with that other demon working with kocho, as long as I keep to myself it would help us a great deal to find out more about kibutsuji, and oyakata sama agreed as well"

"It is risky, but you said there was a way to prevent being found with that other demon working with kocho, as long as I keep to myself it would help us a great deal to find out more about kibutsuji, and oyakata sama agreed as well"

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Face palming ayame let out a groan, she agreed that it would be beneficial for the corps to see it first hand, but the factor of danger outweighs the benefit.

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