ch23 rain

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moments after ayame and douma returned to the temple, the rain began to fall as if it was waiting for them, the gloomy clouds shielded them from the burning rays of the sun, cold drops pummeling down harshly it beat the stone roof like a drum.

moments after ayame and douma returned to the temple, the rain began to fall as if it was waiting for them, the gloomy clouds shielded  them from the burning rays of the sun, cold drops pummeling down harshly it beat the stone roof like a drum

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"its really comming down hard huh ayame chan, it doesnt seem like it will be going away anytime soon"

sticking a hand out the window ayame felt the cold drops hit her palm, sighing she rested her head on the arm that leaned against the railing.

"hopefully it goes away by the time the sun sets, i dont want to leave my belongings there too long"

"hmm should i freeze the clouds for ayame chan then?"

walking over besides her he whipped open his golden fan.

walking over besides her he whipped open his golden fan

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"aren't you overestimating yourself?"

retracting her hand inside ayame leaned it upon her other arm.

"there's no harm in trying right?"

climbing out the window he stood out on the patio letting the drops rain down on him, hovering a hand over his eyes he peered up at the grey clouds.

climbing out the window he stood out on the patio letting the drops rain down on him, hovering a hand over his eyes he peered up at the grey clouds

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"wait a minute douma you cant be serious"

"hehe~ but i am, its a good way to test my abilities isnt it? now then Kekijutsu Kanretsu no Shirahime"

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