ch19 survive

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"ha...ha...ha" kyojuro panted running without a single moment to stop and catch his breath, "what do i do her body is freezing" he picked up the pace even more pushing his limits, appearing like a blazing storm to those around.

" kasugaigarasu can you please send word for kocho to head to my house? and please report this to oyakata sama as well!"

he said to his crow who barely flew besides him, flapping its dark wings it responded flying high up into the sky.

"caw caw"

Kyojuro became more and more panicked with each passing second, with sweat dropping down tracing the side of his face, slowly it dropped onto ayame arm that wrapped around his neck loosely. alerting her, a small slit formed in her eyes before shutting once again.


Kyojuro's eyes widened from the sudden slither of her voice, glancing back he called out.

"Ayame? Ayame! stay with me"


he could feel her blood drenching his back, their once in sync heartbeat began to loose its harmony when ayame's started to slow down.

"damn it" he thought, 15 minutes passed of nonstop running and he finally was within sight of the rengoku estate, shinobu was already waiting at the gate holding a large baggage with a concerned expression looking out for his arrival.


she flicked her head towards the side shocked with a hand on her chest, she followed him in through the genkan noticing a trail of blood forming from behind as it got less and less.

he ran to the nearest empty bedroom slamming open the shoji with his shoulder he layed her down carefully on a futon and kocho immediately started to work as soon as she fell to her knees beside her.

he ran to the nearest empty bedroom slamming open the shoji with his shoulder he layed her down carefully on a futon and kocho immediately started to work as soon as she fell to her knees beside her

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opening her kimono her wounds were exposed to the air, they both stared in shock before kyojuro had to look away with a frown, he exited the room to leave shinobu to her work.

her eyes narrowed in confusion as she examined her, raising a furrowed brow she asked

"rengoku san you said she was a demon right? how come her wounds aren't healing"

she shouted so that kyojuro who sat outside could hear.

"I'm confused myself as well! the only person who has such an ability would be..."

"kibutsuji muzan"


they both frowned upon the realization, a man who they had been hunting for centuries, a man who didn't even hesitate to bring down his wrath upon his own people.

wiping her forehead drenched in sweat shinobu switched around from her scalpels to needles, to bandages, a job normally for two or more people but because her patient isn't someone that could be revealed, she had to take on the job herself.

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