Ch107 a chance at life rr

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Kyojuro sat besides ayame with his flame like haori placed overtop her blanket, he watched the snow from the open shojis slowly cover the fallen leaves turning the landscape from a warm red to a pure white. Smiling he brought her stories from the past, reassuring her that she is not alone.

"I wonder what you're dreaming of Aya, are they happy dreams? I hope so because if not I'll chase them away for you"

He whispered sweetly with loving eyes that could melt even the coldest of winters, his hand perfectly cupped against the side of her cheek with a thumb just barely grazing by her lashes.

"There is this place I remember my mother bringing me to when I was still a child, it had the best scenery no matter what season you went! Once everything is over, let's build a home there"

His eyes gently shut as he continued to smile, he already knew what she would respond with, telling him it's impossible and that it was only a fleeting fairytale, but now that tamayo is here he wanted to place some hope in a future where it could be possible.

It was almost time for kyojuro to go and pick up another dose of tamayo's medication, he loathed the idea of having to keep ayame under its influence constantly, but he also wanted to stall for some more time in case a perfected antidote was created. Walking closer and closer towards the open fusama he felt the sharp winter breeze blow against his cheeks, like a stinging pain of a paper cut.

Placing his fingers in the inverted handles engraved in the wooden frames of the fusama, he slid them to a close before heading towards the other side that lead towards the halls. Sliding one slide open he looked back with a smile.

"Ill be off aya"

He whispered, facing the empty hall before him he took a step with a deep hollow sound from the wooden floor.

"See you later kyojuro"

He heard ayame's voice brush by his ears, with rounded eyes he flicked his head back once again in a record speed, only to see her still asleep.


He answered nevertheless, shutting the shoji behind him he walked towards the front of the estate meeting up with one of the kinoe slayers assigned to guard ayame.

"Oh! Rengoku sama! Are you heading out?"

"Hmu! I need to make a quick trip to the butterfly estate, I'll leave things to you and the others while I'm out"


The slayer shouted with a salute and a determined expression having just been handed an important job, kyojuro set off immediately after walking off confidently in a way that would make anyone feel safe in his presence. Arriving by the outside of the butterfly estate the hundreds of fluttering butterflies that adorned the estate with its colours could no longer be seen, like a painting that lost its colours only a white canvas remained.

He stood inside by the genkan, dusting off the quickly melting snow off his shoulders before stepping onto the carefully managed floor. Kyojuro looked around in search for either shinobu or tamayo, but they were nowhere to be seen amongst the places they were usually seen at.

"Are you here to see shinobu sama?"

A raspy voice of a young girl said behind him, kyojuro looked over his shoulder and noticed Aoi standing there with a hand on her hip and the same determined look stood on her face.

"Yes! Do you perhaps know where she is?"

Kyojuro answered with a smile, turning around to face the much shorter girl.

"Yes, please come this way"

Aoi began to walk down the hall leading kyojuro through multiple corners and paths, until she eventually led him to a secluded room within the estate that he had never visited before. Aoi held up a hand and gave the wooden door a light knock.

"Hai, who is it?"

A familiar voice called from behind the door followed by small taps approaching closer and closer with each thud, the door knob twisted and flung open and there shinobu stood slightly leaning outwards.

"Ara Rengoku san, I assume you're here for ayame san's medication correct? Please wait a moment I'll go fetch it for you"

"Right! Thank you kocho!"

Kyojuro said with his arms crossed watching the door come to a close once more, Aoi nodded towards kyojuro and left soon after leaving kyojuro to wait alone. During this time he used it to think back on tamayo's words, wondering if he should ask for it even if he ends up not using it right away.

The door creaked and shinobu appeared once again holding a neatly folded brown bag.

"Here you go Rengoku san, how is ayame doing?"

"Thank you! And as for Aya so far there hasn't been any changes"

Kyojuro took the bag out of shinobu's hands noticing it was heavier than he remembered.

"Hmm? Did you perhaps give me an extra dose?"

He questioned with a raised brow,

"No, it's the same one from before but tamayo san wanted me to include the antidote inside as well, but the decision whether to use it or not is still up to you, but personally I think you should take the chance Rengoku san, taking in the consideration that ayame isn't as affected by wisteria compared to other demons I think the survival rate is higher than what tamayo san mentioned"

Shinobu reassured with her same professional smile.

"Is that so! Thank you kocho let's pray that your speculation is true!"

Walking out the estate with the bag in hand, kyojuro decided it would be best to keep the antidotes in his pocket instead, thinking that the could weather may affect its components. Reaching into the bag he pulled out two needles, one containing a blue liquid, and a purple liquid which was the new antidote tamayo had developed.

 Reaching into the bag he pulled out two needles, one containing a blue liquid, and a purple liquid which was the new antidote tamayo had developed

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The way back was quick, but what he didn't expect to greet him was the smell of blood flooding his senses.

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