Ch49 a western experience

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Ayame was able to quickly adjust to her new peaceful and almost boring life, a life without worry or sights of blood lying around in every corner. it was almost as if she returned to the past when she would go around doing chores at her family shrine.

A week had past since her first official mission and she began her daily routine that consisted of helping with the cleaning, and if there wasn't anything important like a call from ubuyashiki she spent some time to read or other hobbies, and occasional help with cooking, and training. During night time she would either take a bath and spent her time quietly while everyone rested or go outside and come back before morning.

"nee-san can you help me put this box up?"

Senjuro called holding a box of stored away items with a smile. cute" ayame thought, she would always seem calm and normal like her usual self but on the inside she felt a warm feeling whenever he called her nee-san, when kyojuro first found out about this he was equally as pleased.

"Up here?"

Ayame said reaching up on a stool towards the top of a old wooden shelf.

"Hai thank you"

She pushed it back until she felt it hit the wall before stepping down, once her foot landed onto the tatami floor they both heard the sound of the front door slide open with muffled sounds of talking.

"It seems like ani-ue has a guest over"

Senjuro said looking back with ayame doing the same.

"It seems like it, we'll then I'll be in my room so I don't disturb them, call me if there's anything else you need alright?"

She said walking past senjuro with a hand on the side of the wall, she passed through the shoji out the room with closed eyes.

"Ah! Akami san~"

He eyes shot open to look to her right when a familiar figure pranced up to her grabbing both of her hands.

"Mitsuri san?!?"

She chuckled with a smile as kyojuro walked up to them with his arms folded in his sleeves.

"Kanroji came to visit when she heard you were living with us!"

"Hai! I even brought some black tea and pancakes to share, senjuro you should come join us!"

She giggled brightly startling ayame from her cheerfulness, and also because of the foreign objects she mentioned, "pancake?!? Eh?"

She thought as she was then dragged behind mitsuri down the hall towards another room with senjuro and kyojuro following behind like it was normal.

She was then forcefully pushed down onto the zabuton by her shoulders with an amazing amount of strength, ayame sat silently still bewildered at what happened within these few seconds.

Kyojuro joined them with a smile with senjuro following behind with plates and teacups.

"Are you alright ayame!"

Kyojuro shouted noticing her confused expression.

"Y-yes just what is happening right now?"

Kyojuro laughed as he started to explain.

"Kanroji is well experienced in western cooking! So she occasionally cooks for us and she wanted to get to know you better since you guys are allies now"

He said as mitsuri slammed a large bento onto the chabudai humming cheerfully.

"Yes! At first I was a little surprised at your arrival but I really admired how calm and cool you were even though so many of the pillars tried to attack you"

"I wouldn't call that calm per-say"

She replied as mitsuri and senjuro set the table with senjuro pouring tea and mitsuri laying out the huge pieces of pancakes and drizzling them with honey and butter.

"Let's eat then! I prepared this all morning when I heard from Rengoku san you were able to eat human food, and I haven't ate yet so I'm starving"

Ayame smiled as she watched mitsuri and kyojuro dig in, she came to realize how similar they were in this aspect at how much they could eat, she cut a small piece of the cake and took a bite.


She complimented with a hand to her mouth as she chewed,

"I'm glad you like it akami san!"

"Hmu it's nice to see you enjoying food even if it's not often"

Kyojuro said admits his shouting "umai" with every bite.

"Right? I can't imagine a life without being able to enjoy food"

Mitsuri whined with a fork in her mouth.

they all brightened up with big smiles as they chat over some tea, and in that short time ayame had learned more about mitsuri then she ever thought she would from the number of siblings to the pattern of each of her cats. Once dawn came mitsuri waved them goodbye as she headed home.

"She's quite a lively person"

Ayame said while dropping her hand from a wave.

"Yes! It's never quiet whenever she's around"

He chuckled before facing ayame.

"Why don't we get some training done to help digest all that food"

"That's a great idea"

Ayame responded with a smile

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