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"Oh, ok then I'll have you guys come with me"

Said a man looking up towards the side, noticing the shoji to the building slide open while completely ignoring someone's shouting. Once the shoji fully opened it revealed a woman with red eyes stepping out with a dazed look.

"Hoh? Isn't that woman..."

Picking up a pebble he flicked it towards her, she was quickly able to dodge it turning her head to the side as he anticipated. Though her head was not what he was aiming for, but the kazashi in her hair. The pebble hit a bullseye flicking the kanzashi off of her, her eyes squinted from the impact as her hair burst open flowing around her like a swirl.

An eye peeked out of the hair before it fell down revealing an elegant woman left standing as she held a strand of hair that fell to her hands, his eyes widened as a smirk appeared on his face dropping down the girl he was holding he appeared befo...

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An eye peeked out of the hair before it fell down revealing an elegant woman left standing as she held a strand of hair that fell to her hands, his eyes widened as a smirk appeared on his face dropping down the girl he was holding he appeared before the woman.

"You you're coming with me, and you shall flamboyantly prove to me you're not a bad demon! And don't you dare defy me!"

That man was in fact uzui tengen, the hot blooded hashira as he pointed towards the woman who was ayame. The shoji slid further to the side revealing kyojuro as he stared in confusion.


Kyojuro mumbled in puzzlement.

"Ah ayame san! It's nice to see you again!"

"Tanjiro! What is all this about?"

Ayame asked as she tilted her head to the side looking over tengens body towards tanjiro, while kyojuro helped pick up the fallen kanzashi and placing it back in ayame's hand.

"He said he needed a girl with him on his mission, we offered to join and he agreed but it seems he has his sights on you too now"

"Exactly! I don't expect those flimsy boys to do well so I need a woman with me and that woman is you"

Ayame looked back up at the man with a raised brow sceptical from his adamant need for a woman.

"Before I agree to anything where are we going that you need a woman"

With a smile he confidently answered.

"To the most flamboyant place in all of Japan, filled with lust and greed, the red light district where the demon lives"

An irk mark appeared on ayame's forehead, her hands shot up grabbing his dangly rock string hanging from his headband she dragged his face down to her level as she stared down at him.

"Do you wish to die?"

"Just who do you think you are grabbing and threatening!?! I'm the most flamboyant person here! And if you don't comply I'll just have to resort to taking that flimsy girl over there!!"

Ayame menacingly smiled with closed eyes as the side of her eye twitched.

"Kyojuro would it be alright if I put him at deaths door? He technically won't be dead so it won't count as murder"

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