Ch102 two minds one soul dr

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She was held up dangling by the throat, her knees barely hovering above the ground almost coming to a kneel.

"How disappointing I expected more from you, but I guess this method just won't work Huh"

Muzan whispered into her ear with one hand pulling the chain towards his chest, and the other holding onto one of her horns making her face him. He harshly threw her head back down as everyone watched with shocked and angered expressions.

"Kibutsuji muzan!"

Shinobu said in a tone full of hate, muzan glanced towards her like she were a passing rodent.

"You seem like the only one that will create trouble for me, you're similar to that woman tamayo, I guess I'll have to get rid of you myself, feel honoured to die by my hands"

His arms became blades flesh slithering towards them like a reapers scythe, ayame's eyes slightly opened as she glanced towards them, shakily gesturing her hand towards them she whispered.

"Kekijutsu dandelions pilgrimage"

Blood petals surrounded them into a sphere and once muzans limbs pierced through it, the sphere exploded into a shower of petals and the hashiras were no longer inside. This was the only time she appreciated receiving muzans blood, as it amplified her power and she no longer need to touch the person to transport them, but where they were transported was out of her control because strangely she couldn't think of a single place outside of douma's temple.

"What did you do"

Muzan threatened, yanking at the chain in his hand like he were pulling a disobedient dog.

"Hah Why don't you use all those brains you have to figure it out? Or are they there just for show to give you a sense of superiority?"

A small low chuckle played from muzan growing slowly into a hysterical one as he laughed into the night sky, once he calmed down his stoic and piercing gaze returned like a switch.

"It seems you still don't realize your position ayame, I had planned to show you mercy and give you time to turn around on your own accord but it seems this method just won't work, you have always been stubborn and it has never failed to cause me more trouble"

She was stunned by his words thinking back at all the grief and trouble he had caused her, if this was what he called mercy she couldn't begin to even imagine what he would do if he chose to do the opposite.

"Don't make me laugh, mercy? Are you even listening to yourself?"

She sneered practically spitting the words at him, ayame could feel the rage residing in her stomach rise, a feeling strong enough to set a person ablaze.

"Of course, have you never thought about the reason for your persistent headaches? Something that us demons never have to feel. Or have you become so delusional that you thought you were still human"

Ayame stayed quiet, she had always brushed it off as a side affect of her body changing against its alterations, but now she was double guessing herself seeing how muzan knew about it.

"Haven't you noticed that you may have forgotten some things? "

A static distorted her mind as years worth of memories flooded back into her, falling down to all fours her eyes rounded with drops of sweat sliding down her cheek. Precious memories she didn't even realize she had forgotten appeared in her mind like a movie, from memories of the time when she danced for douma's worshippers, to the memories of her childhood, and even the promise she had made to gyomei.

Even though she finally remembered now it was too late to carry out that promise, since she doubted that he would let her continue to remember that promise. feeling the devastation of her memories fading one by one again, but this time she was aware making it all the more torturous.

No matter how much she tried to remember them, the memories continued to slip through her fingers, having pieces of herself ripped away from her identity a tear slid down her cheek. It had been over a millennia since she last cried in front of him, not wanting to show even a slight bit of weakness for him to take advantage of, but the tears just won't stop.

With a grin he bent down beside ayame hovering his chin above her shoulder her whispered cunningly.

Well let me tell you, Those were no simple headaches, those were the effects of my cells taking away your memories, I thought that if you no longer had those unnecessary memories of those human morals you would finally join my side, but it seems I'll have to completely erase everything and start from zero"

Snapping his fingers ayame's mind went blank, falling to the ground like dead. Muzan grabbed her by the collar of her haori, lifting her up just enough to move her. Slides of fusama appeared opening like a spiral luring in its bait, muzan took a step forward connecting his location to douma's temple in a blink of an eye.

He tossed her onto the floor leaving immediately without so much as another word, with the last sight of ayame's body laying still.

"Goodbye, old friend"

He uttered as the fusama clacked shut. Moments later Douma came rushing by with downturned brows, sliding past the entrance trying to brake himself.

"Aya chan!"

He called falling to his knees in front of her, he ripped of the chains strangling at her limbs waiting for her to wake up, he felt a churn in his stomach like an immeasurable anxiety eating at him. He heard a groan emit from ayame's body, with a gasping smile he felt relieved.

"Ah Aya chan, you're awake! I was so worried~"

Ayame sat up with a hand covering her eyes, she was eerily silent and calm so much so that it started to worry Douma.

"Aya chan?"

Her hands slid down her face and her eyes opened.

"Who are you?"

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