ch37 lost DR

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an expression of pure shock struck on her face before it was quickly replaced with one of anger.

"kyojuro are you listening to yourself?

"i know but-"

he clenched his fists tight besides him, he knew the words he uttered were absurd, if she had even so much as stepped within the corps headquarters she would be immediately executed by the other pillars without so much as a word.

"kyojuro joining is practically impossible for me, whether I like it or not to muzan still has me on a leash, only after my death would i be able to join, i may be free to do whatever i want now but i don't know how long it will last"

even though muzan had no control over her actions, he had other ways of tying her down to him just like he did in the past.

she cupped her ears trying to block out the screams of the victims that were sacrificed because she had tried to runaway from him once before, if only he had never found her that day she could be freed from his threats that wrapped around her neck like a rope.

"you don't need to answer me right away just think about it, oyakata sama wishes to help and for you to be freed from him, joining the corps will help in doing so"

"i know but i can't"

her voice trembled in fear and without saying another word she left.


she went back to her room in the temple, crouching down she hugged her knees tight burying her face within them. she was at a lost, a chance at salvation was so near yet so far out of her reach all because of her fear for a single mans actions.

her grip around her arms tightened as she frowned with closed eyes.

"ayame chan? are you back?"

douma called as he peeked through the side of the shoji, the moment he sensed her aura he had rushed to her to welcome her back with a cheer, but what he saw prevented him from doing so.

ayame peeked her eyes above her arms towards where douma stood.

"douma... what do i do"

she sighed before planting the side of her face on her kneecaps.

" ara ara? did something happen?"

he said in a sweet tone as he hopped over towards her side.

"i was offered to join the corps"

she whispered. douma's eyes widened from the news, he hummed in response as he squatted down in a similar position as ayame.

"but do you want to?"

"this isn't about if i want to or not douma you know that"

she snapped back with a continued frown upon her face before hiding it within her legs once again, her worry grew more the more she thought about it. without realizing her fingers made her way towards his pale baggy pants, grabbing ahold of its silky fabric.

he noticed her troubled state and immediately took action.

"ayame chan? do you remember our bet? i would like to use one of my requests now"


she tried to lift her head to face him but her sight was instantly shrouded in black by douma's chilly hand.

"now now keep your eyes closed for me alright?"

she nodded making douma chuckle, she felt the chilly touch drag away from her eyes followed by a sound of shuffling. Even without her eyes, she could hear and feel douma's figure move away from his position beside her.

a cold slender touch traveled under her knees and around her waist causing her to flinch, she lost her footing as she was then quickly swiped up into a hold.

"w-what ar-"

her eyelids slightly separated before she was instantly stopped.

"keep your eyes closed ayame chan, and hold on tight"

his voice rang close above her head realizing the position she was in, with her eyes shut she wrapped her arms around his neck tightly with her head layed upon his chest.


douma giggled from her adorable actions as he thoroughly enjoyed her embrace, he walked towards the fusama that lead to the outside opening it with his legs he headed towards the railing.

"are you ready?"

he sang in an excited tone before leaping off the railing, a harsh wind blew through ayame indicating that douma was moving in an extreme speed towards somewhere. she could hear the rustling of leaves as they passed with a heavy gravity pushing against her with each jump step he took.

eventually his movements came to a stop as she felt a much gentler breeze blow through her hair.

"you can open your eyes now ayame chan~"

she fluttered her eyes open just enough to see a blurred vision of douma's shirt when a sudden pop and a light shined beside her in a distance.

her eyes widened as it shined brightly by the reflection of fireworks before her, mesmerized by the view she didnt realize douma was standing on the top of a tree

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her eyes widened as it shined brightly by the reflection of fireworks before her, mesmerized by the view she didnt realize douma was standing on the top of a tree.

"douma how did you..."

he hummed in response before leaning in to face her with his wide smile.

"if you're wondering how i knew there was a firework show its because akaza dono often watches them and i overheard there would be one today"


her composed nature returned as her grip loosened around his neck.

"ayame chan you might not believe me but i truly do care for you so no matter what you choose I'll support you"

she looked up at his closed eyed smile setting her mind at ease.

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