Ch108 dr

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"Ayame please, i don't want to hurt you"

He pleaded, the frown on ayame's brows deepened even more. Every time he called her name she felt something unpleasant, "just who is he to me? Why do I feel this way? Will it go away if I erase him?" She thought.

"Kekijutsu serene song of the chrysanthemums"

A pool of red formed under her bare feet, rippling like a rained on lake from the blood dripping down on the tip of her pointer finger, multiple chrysanthemum bulbs as large as a grown mans head floated around kyojuro.

He glanced around in a state of panic, he didn't want to do anything to hurt her but he also needed to keep himself alive to save her. He stared into her eyes that no longer had a trace of what he used to know, it was as if a stranger stood before him. Kyojuro finally unsheathed his katana from its scabbard, and with a pained heart he had no choice but to follow along with ayame's request to him.

"Aha! Finally!"

She snapped her fingers ringing a rippling tone, she expected the spell to proceed like always but strangely the chrysanthemums stayed still. She snapped her fingers again, and again, and again, nothing happened. On the last try something did happen but not what she expected, the chrysanthemums burst into a rain of petals, flowing down like a shower.

"Tsk, what use does it have if it doesn't even listen to its caster, I guess I'll just have to use a different method"

She grabbed a sword from the ground, one of the many belonging to fallen hunters. Giving a side glance towards kyojuro she continued on her killing spree, even her technique and power was stronger and more violent than he remembered "is there even a trace of you left in there?" He wondered.

They fought against each other like they used to when they trained together, but the only thing that separated now from then was the fact that one misstep, would cause his death. He accidentally let his guard down with his mind submerged in anxious thoughts, creating an opening for ayame to rip the blade across his chest.


Kyojuro groaned as the next attack flung him back, he was hit against a tree once more sprinkling down the red leaves on the trees branches.

"Any last words?"

Ayame asked. Kyojuro's eyes slightly opened with a chuckle, he smiled his signature smile at her. The bell belonging to ayame fell out of Kyojuro's pocket, hitting the ground with a ring snapping the last string that kept her mind from returning.

The black ink like parts of her eyes broke apart like a splitting fog covering her mind, everything became clear and what she had forgotten momentarily started to come back.

The black ink like parts of her eyes broke apart like a splitting fog covering her mind, everything became clear and what she had forgotten momentarily started to come back

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Her kind eyes returned, with tears blurring her vision. Her hands plastered on her face as she recollected everything that she did, it was a nightmare she wanted to escape but no matter how hard she tried to ignore those scenes and screams of people she hurt, they continued to haunt her.

Taking in this chance of ayame's vulnerable state as she screamed howls of agony staggering, and trembling. The hunters whom once layed on the ground like dead, mustered up their last once of strength and rose up against the demon, stabbing their katanas through her in every angle of her body.

Blood dripped down the side of her lips while they strangely lit up into a small smile, the slayers fell back down to the ground making way for kyojuro to try again.

he held his katana tight putting everything he had in this one chance. raised her head up, smiling a agonizing smile at kyojuro whom had a sorrowful frown, with tears streaming down her tired eyes. She held up her arms towards kyojuro like an inviting hug, welcoming her awaited end that was near.

"Thank you..."

She mouthed, Kyojuro's eyes rounded with his jaw clenched tight. It was a clean path that his blade headed, feeling sorry he couldn't let himself hesitate, but unexpectedly the presence of another appeared.

The katanas route was interrupted by Douma who jumped in with his fans clashing against Kyojuro's katana, deflecting him away Douma quickly picked up ayame and jumped back away. he wrapped his arm tightly around her with his right hand patted on the back of her head, holding her protectively with a smile. Her shocked eyes slowly fell down along with their bodies, clacking the sound of rubbing metal that stuck through her.

It was like holding a human cactus, it's a painful hug with blades scraping open his skin but nevertheless he didn't loosen up his grasp, he was scared that if he did he would loose her again.

"Ara ara~ I was away for one second and this happens"

Pulling away her head from his chest, she slowly bashed her fists against him with tears streaming down her desperate face.

Her eyes watered with tears once again, and her strengthless fists hit against his chest, slowly softly yet strong enough to make his body shake.

"Why why didn't you let me die?"

"I'm sorry for being selfish but I don't want Aya chan to die"

He replied taking in her furious attacks against him, until they eventually stopped with her head leaned against his chest. Kyojuro quickly ran back from being flung meters away by Douma, to see this peculiar scene of ayame sobbing like a child in the arms of a man he didn't recognize.

"Please...Douma don't interf-"

Her sentence was cut off by gasping stuttering sounds, A demonic chant echoed in her mind with the eyes of muzan popping in her sights like a jump scare, she began to struggle again with the ink like parts slowly emerging back on her sclera.


a shockwave erupted from her body flinging everyone including the unconscious bodies on the ground away. As kyojuro slid back he caught as many injured slayers as he could, that is until ayame suddenly appeared in his face with eyes lacking pupils.

With a hunter in hand he tried to defend himself with his katana, but kyojuro was unexpectedly saved by another when he saw a broad back covered in a blood red fabric shield him. Ayame's hand skewered through his heart, and her drenched claws just meters away from Kyojuro's eyes.

"I would get out of here if I were you human~ i prefer not having to protect you"

Douma said with a somewhat happy closed eye smile on his face, with blood dripping down his pale chin he looked over his shoulder towards kyojuro whom was still stunned with what happened. Both of their expressions quickly became alerted once more as a growl came from ayame, Douma quickly looked back down at her as she pulled her hand out of him.

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