ch11 back again

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for demons time is merely a word for them, a word with no meaning with days quickly flying by, and with a blink of an eye it has already been a year since that event.

both douma and ayame stayed unchanging as the time has stopped for their bodies, without aging for a single second their forms are forever preserved staying completely the same, except for one thing.

the sound of songbirds chirping rang through the still room, ayame's eyes stared at the text of the book sitting in her hands. one by one she flipped the page creating crisp sounds as she immersed herself in the story deeper and deeper completely disregarding a certain someone.

her eyes gilded back and forth moving on from one sentence to another when she felt a sharp pull on the side of her head causing it to tilt. letting out a silent sigh with a blink of her eyes she turned her broken attention towards her lap where douma layed.

"what do you want"

"Ayame chan is so quiet, is the book more interesting than me?"

gazing her eyes down while douma pouted fiddling with her hair from ayame's lack of attention towards him, she slapped her book shut setting it besides her.

raising a knee she set her arm upon it supporting her tilted head, with a narrowed immersing gaze

"at least this book isnt thinking of planting dismembered heads in a pot like a plant"

douma puffed up his cheeks before a fruity chuckle escaped his mouth, tainting his pale cheeks pink.

"but ayame chan what else am i supposed to do with gyokko donos pot? it'll be a shame to just leave it there like that"

Ayame grabbed the strand of hair douma was playing with, lifting it up as it dangled above his hands. A gesture one would do while playing with a cat.

"maybe plant some flowers like how a pot is meant to be used perhaps?"

"hmm but that'll be too boring ayame chan~"

he said grabbing back the strand of hair that was taken away from him, he twirled it around his long slender fingers.

"well if you want to plant a head so badly bring me muzan's you have a meeting later dont you?"

"Ayame chan you know i cant do that ill be dead before i even try! come with me to the meeting please ayame chan"

she brought her hand up towards his forehead putting her thumb to the middle finger she gave him a flick.


turning his body to the side he wrapped his arms around ayame's waist in retaliation whining like a child. sighing at his behavior she put her hands on his arms in attempt to pry them open, but it only made douma tighten his grip more and more.

his once squinting eyes suddenly turned into a serious one.

"ne ayame chan is there really no way for you and "him" to make up?"

Ayame's body flinched from his question with her mouth slightly opened from shock revealing her fang, the atmosphere grew cold startling even the birds outside causing them to fly off into the sky. silence subdued the room once more.

even douma who works with ice as his demon art felt cold, peeking up to her inexpressive expression. a expression he couldn't explain, it was a mix of deadpan, anger, sadness, confusion, and a bleak look that stood on her face.

his eyebrows slanted regretting have asked such a question, ayame began to shuffle making douma loosen his grip and sit up to watch her leave the room.

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