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"And that's what happened, after that I heard he was expelled from the corps, and we met once in a while to find ways to destroy muzan.  tamayo was able to fully break off his curse with a drug she created, unfortunately muzan never appeared again until he died"

"I see that's unfortunate, but then why aren't you and tamayo san together?"

Ayame's eyes widened, looking down she veiled her sullen expression. Though tanjiro's keen sense of smell was able to pick it up anyway as he looked at her with a pity.

"A year after his death a child from the village we stayed at had found out we were demons, it caused a huge ruckus and the villagers attempted to burn us, I helped tamayo escape but I stayed behind to distract them I tried to explain the situation but it only made things worse, I was tied up to be burned and muzan had caught wind of it"

Flash back

Impaled to the stake she could hear the yelling and cries of the villagers, but it was all suddenly silenced when she felt a familiar presence appear, cold sweat dripped down her face as she opened her eyes of disbelief. The bodies of the villagers layed around her torn apart limb from limb and below her stood muzan.

"So that's where you've been hiding my dear, did you have fun? Is tamyo not with you? Well no matter"

He sneered with glowing eyes cutting her down from the stake falling onto the puddle of blood before muzan once again, he harshly grabbed her wrist over his shoulder and with a threatening tone he said.

"Now that you're back in my hands don't even dream of escaping, if you so much as disobey me I'll wipe a village off the map each time you do"


"And because of that I was stuck to him until recently"

"That must've been so painful"

Tanjiro said with kind eyes gazing towards ayame as she smiled.

"Thank you tanjiro"

"No I should be thanking you for telling me so much"

They continued to talk into the night without realizing how late it has gotten.

"Ah it's getting late now, I should head back, sorry for holding you up for so long ayame-san"

"It's quite alright, I'll visit you tomorrow at the butterfly estate, I would like to meet this famous sister of yours"

"That would be great! Oh ayame-san now that I think about it how did you come here? It was still bright outside when I heard you arrived"

She looked at him with innocent eyes pointing behind her at the wagasa as if it was obvious.

"Using that of course"

He gasped in shock something he has been doing quite a lot today as his face went pale.

"Ayame-san isn't that dangerous?"

"Well I guess but I only do so in short distances and when it isn't windy, do you do something different with nezuko?"

"Yes I carry her in a box my master made for me"

"What a dependable onii-san you are"

She said with a closed eye smile making tanjiro slightly blush.

"Now then I'll see you tomorrow tanj-"

"Caww cawww tanjiro, the casualties of the infinity train are increasing, more than 40 are now missing you augautsuma zenitsu and hashibira inosuke are to join rengoku kyojuro on site head west once morning comes!"

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