Ch109 dr souls battle

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Upon ripping her hand out of douma's chest, she was quick to attempt another attack but was ultimately stopped by Douma once again. Dodging his head to the side he grabbed ahold of her wrist by the side of his head, with the other hand wrapped around her waist pulling her in close.

Admits her struggles and growls, the humming sound of a melody slowly played from Douma. It was the same song that he remembered ayame had told him about, the one belonging to her mother. He doubted the effectiveness of the song now that she was out of it, but nevertheless he had to try.

His voice sounded like an angels call running through her ears, making petals and fireflies dance around them like fae. Her nails dug deep into his back, tickling down a warm liquid each time it dug deeper. Douma repeatedly chanted her name in his head with a frown, hoping that his last resort would work.

Ayame POV

"How long has it been since then?" I thought as I fell deeper and deeper in what seemed to be a ocean, in a state of simply a consciousness drowning in the grasp of my own body. I tried reaching up towards the light, hoping to grab onto something to pull me out of these suffocating and cold waters, but only the voice of my second self made by muzan replied.

Appearing like a ominous red smoke, it grinned devilishly at me with the face I had thought no longer suited me before, but it fitted this being perfectly.

"What is it that you're doing? Aha! Don't tell me you believe that you can still go back? Ne, my other self why don't you just give up and go to sleep? And let me take over, after all you always wanted to escape this life right, submit yourself to me and rest, what's the use of a continuous struggle that you know you won't win?"

It whispered to me like the coercing sweet lies of Satan, but it's because that this being was me that it seems to work. I could feel my eyes become heavier and heavier the deeper I fell, as my sight grew dimmer, loosing the light that I tried to grab on to.

"That's right... just like that... a little bit more and you can return to having those sweet dreams of a life you wanted"

Her hands hovered beside my head while she peered down at me, her touch felt disgusting but I had no will to fight against it. My senses grew weaker and weaker with my closing eyes, when I heard a desperate call of a voice I knew.



"Aya chan"


Something grabbed ahold of my arm, dragging me through the harsh gravity of the water towards the surface. With a loud gasp for air I was able to breath again, panting I looked up to my surroundings.

I stood in a place I had never seen before, but it didn't feel out of place instead it felt like myself

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I stood in a place I had never seen before, but it didn't feel out of place instead it felt like myself. It was dark yet bright, lonely yet beautiful, and along with it I heard a familiar song in the background.

"Is that...Douma? Hmm? I didn't know he could sing so well"

The small smile on my face that appeared for a quick second, was instantly replaced when I felt another entity appear. Looking to my left was a beautiful white blossoming tree, with what seemed to be another version of me standing under it. I looked somewhat younger with a much more youthful aura, with shorter hair and a innocent bright smile wearing red hakama pants and a white kosode.

"I'm glad you made it! Akami ayame"

She clapped her hands together, her face was blurred all except for her smile and because of it I felt slightly disappointed.

"Now, come here, it's time that you headed back"

Raising her hand towards me, I felt myself turn towards her direction, but before I could successfully land down a step, another entity called.

"What do you think you're doing? Do you honestly think that you have the right?"

Looking behind me was a wilted tree with a me at my most cruel and demonic state, bathed in a dark smothering aura and a abusive face yelling towards me.

"If you go there, you'll only go back to the life you hated, no one that could be even worse, so come to me and I'll take over that burden for you"

Reaching out a hand to me, I was put on the spot to make a decision.

"You could, but Akami will you really be satisfied with that?"

"What do you mean?"

I asked looking at my younger self when my eyes slowly rounded when another voice called.

"Aya chan please come back, I can't do this alone... I need you"

My eyelids fell and i softly chuckled, reminded that he's still there.

"Sorry, but I won't be going with either of you, I don't know what will happen when I go back but I want to at least end things right"

"...suit yourself, savour these last moments I will bestow on you, because if you think I will stay dormant for forever, you're greatly mistaken"

My other self created by muzan scoffed, even without her warning I knew fully well that she would strike again before long, but it was more than enough time for me to settle things. Turning my back away from them, I walked towards the direction I heard the voice, and soon enough I felt my senses come back.


Her growls slowly came to a soft stop before his song had finished, and her pupils reappeared back in her eyes as they narrowed in a peaceful gaze.


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