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since 5 months ago ayame asked kyojuro to teach her swordsmanship while she learned tessenjutsu from Douma, since she deemed douma incompetent in teaching her actual techniques.

at the time when ayame decided to ask him she had expected him to at least think about it because that's what she would've done if the person asking was part of the enemy faction, but instead he didn't hesitate to agree and sprung into action almost immediately.

ayame would visit from time to time, and during those times she would either train with him or simply spend some time with him, and today was one of the days they trained.

"stay focused ayame!"

kyojuro shouted enthusiastically into the night as they clashed swords, throwing them into a whirlwind of endless attacks.

"I'm grateful that you're teaching me kyojuro but don't you need to rest?"

she said charging in with another attack, their wooden swords clacked against each other in a power struggle.

"nope! i still have plenty of energy and besides my mission is the day after tomorrow"

he said with a smile before breaking through and cutting sideways towards ayame, making her skip backwards dodging his slash.

"the amount of stamina you have is quite astounding, its been nearly a day since you've slept and yet you still have strength to continue"

"I'm not a hashira for show after all"

he said brushing the droplets of sweat on his cheek with the back of his hands.

he said brushing the droplets of sweat on his cheek with the back of his hands

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"alright two more rounds and we'll stop, i have to be get back soon anyway"

"sounds good!"

they continued with their heated spar with kyojuro pointing out ayame's flaws while she pushed his limits with her speed and unique movements, polishing each other skills and growing stronger by the second.

" good work ani-ue ayame san"

said senjuro as he walked towards his older brother handing him a towel.

"thank you senjuro!"

he replied taking it out of his hands catching his breath from the fight.

"ayame san is quite talented in swordsmanship"

senjuro praised with a soft smile on his face.

"yes it has only been 5 months since we started and she's already at a hinoe level"

"that's partially because i am a demon and i have been learning tessenjutsu for much longer"

ayame walked closer towards them with her usual blank expression.

"that may be so but its still impressive!"

"sigh hai hai, I'll be going now"

she said handing the wooden sword to senjuro before giving him a pat on the head.

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