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He felt a crack inside him, unable to process what he just heard he awkwardly smiled. Her gaze had completely changed, they were no longer kind and soft, but frightening and cruel. Look into her eyes he noticed he sclera of her eyes had become completely different, "no...there still should've been time, this is a joke right?" He thought deluding himself in lies.

"What do you mean Aya chan? are you mad at me again?"

He never knew or known a day would come where the simple words, "who are you?" From the person he loved so much he would give his life to, could shatter his numb emotionless heart in an instant p. He tried to hug her with his arms spread out wide, but the moment he touched her his body was suddenly shredded apart.

"Do not touch me"

Ayame said in a deep and threatening voice, glaring down at him with glowing eyes full of disgust, he didn't care how other people looked at him but the one thing he couldn't bare to see was her looking at him in this way. Tears started to cascade his eyes trying desperately to deny the reality, he wanted to cry out but his voice wouldn't let him.

It was like she had gone through a second transformation, not a single sliver of her old self remained.

"Tsk just where is this place? It reeks of filthy humans"

She stood up with a scrunched up expression of disgust itching to leave this place she no longer remembered.

"Ah Aya chan where are you going?"

Piecing his limbs back up he stumbled himself up to his feet, reaching out to her with a begging expression.

"Aya chan? Were we close enough for you to call me that name? And why do you care where I am going"

Glaring over her shoulder she watched as douma's expression darkened. "Aya chan is leaving? No...don't go...stay with me please, you" those were the words Douma wanted to utter out, but in her current state those were simply nonsensical words from a pitiful demon she had never met before.

Time was running out as he watched her footsteps take her away from him, it felt as if time slowed down granting him a small chance to think of a way to stop her. "Should I freeze her with my Kekijutsu? But that wouldn't help she'll just resist and hate me more, and it'll cause "him" to suspect me" he thought, but without time for another word she was already at the patio.

"W-wait Aya chan!"

He cried reaching an arm towards her only to crash into a barrage of petals, he fell to his knees hugging the remaining petals that slowly slipped away.

"Aya chan..."

This wasn't the only time ayame left him alone, but what made it different this time was that he couldn't track her nor was he confident that she would ever return. Tears that weren't in his control trickled down his cheek, looking towards the waning moon for answers.

"What should I do? Someone please give me an answer"

He whispered.


Just like for any other demons, time was quick to pass and before he knew it a week had already flown by since he last saw Ayame. Memories of her popped in and out of his thoughts like a ghost, followed anxious negative thoughts of a worse case scenario. Sitting silently with unfocused eyes on his pillow throne, one of his cult servants took notice of this out of character behaviour.

"Lord founder?"

The man called, trying to rouse him from his absent mind, making a grave mistake on the way.

"Is something troubling you? Is there anything I could assist you with fou-"

Taking one step towards Douma the last thing the man ever saw, was his sculpture like profile. The mans strained voice interrupted Douma over and over, testing at his patience that usually never had an end. But it was an unlucky day for the man, as his consciousness was not the only thing he roused, but a new feeling of annoyance as Douma for the first time, ended someone's life out of emotion.

With a swift flick to the side, without even sparing a glance at the man, his head was cut in half in an instant. The body fell down with a hollow drum, not so much as even phasing Douma until he realized what he did.

"Ah...Aya chan will be mad at me what should I do"

He said in his usual chirpy tone, before standing up and dragging the body away.

He spent days after that thinking of possibilities of where she may have gone, and nights searching aimlessly. Douma couldn't even rely on his past knowledge of ayame to look for leads, seeing as it no longer applied to her anymore. He had thought of going to the infinity castle to look, but the only time he could have access to it, is if nakime summoned him for meetings, and those meetings are rarer than the possibility of him coming across her again.

"If kamisama really exists, please give me some sort of sign..."

He prayed, not expecting anything to happen as he chuckled to himself.

After another long night of running he finally returned to the safety of his temple, jumping onto the second floor patio as he walked in to a familiar presence. His eyes grew wide looking at the person standing with a unreadable expression.

 His eyes grew wide looking at the person standing with a unreadable expression

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"Ara~? It's muzan sama! What brings you here tonight."

"...where is she"

Muzan said cutting straight to the chase.

"Hmm? You mean ayame chan? Well I'm not quite sure either, ever since she woke up that day she became completely different, and she left the temple immediately after I wasn't able to stop her in time so now I've been trying to search for her, and so far I haven't found anything sigh..."

Douma shrugged, raising his shoulders up and down as he exhaled with a sigh. Muzans brows slightly twitched at the unprecedented situation, thinking that she would've stayed in the temple.

"Is ayame chan needed for something?"

"There is a meeting being held soon and I need her to be there, I wanted to see her new form so I came instead of sending a telepathic message but it seems I'll have to wait"

Douma's brows raised at the news, he felt a sense of hope at the thought that he may be able to see her then, and the slight chance he may be able to bring her back. He had never felt so anxious for a day to come since it had always been the same for him, but before he could even begin to think of seeing her he had to think of a way for her to listen to his request.

"Oh! I see, I wonder how the other kizuki would react"

Douma chuckled with a fan held towards his face, but as usual muzan didn't seem to be quite pleased with him and was quick to leave the moment he was finished with his business.

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