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he took in a deep breath and held it in for a few seconds before exhaling all the air out of his lungs, a softened expression now stood on his face as he looked towards ayame.

"thank goodness, ayame san can you help me carry him to his room?"

"of course"

she replied in a soft tone, hulling him up on her back as it slightly arched from his taller body and weight, they slowly made their way across the engawa towards his room on the other side, with senjuro leading the way.

Stepping a foot on the tatami matt, Ayame slowly lowered him down onto his futon, grabbing his arm she unwrapped it from her neck placing it besides his burning body.

"thank you ayame san, I'll change his clothes, in the meantime can you get a towel and some cold water from the bathroom? its right down the hall"


exiting the room she closed the shoji behind her, glancing towards the right side bearing senjuro's words in mind she headed towards what she assumed was the bathroom. Walking through the dark halls, ayame passed room from room and along the way she strangely felt a pair of eyes glaring at her. It felt sharp and hostile, almost as if a nichirin blade was droven into her nape.

with her guard up and a threatening gaze, she snapping her head back so sharply she could've sprained her neck, but as expected no one was there, only a dark vast hall from where she came from.

"was it my imagination?" she thought before proceeding towards the bathroom.

bending her index finger she knocked on the wooden frame of the shoji signaling senjuro that she had returned.

"come in"

she slid it open with a hinoki cradled in her arm, setting it besides her on the ground where she sat.

"i have your bell and fan here"

he said with a smile hanging it over to ayame.

"ah thank you senjuro"

grabbing them out of her hands she placed the fan onto her lap, sliding the bells string under the obijime she looped it over the bell securing it tightly as it rung. it felt as if a soothing wind brushed over her calming all the cells in her body down to her fingertips.

grabbing a tasuki from her sleeve she bit one end of the cord while wrapping it around and under her long sleeves tying a knot at the side.

"I'll go brew some medicine for him"

said senjuro as he bundled up his wet cloak and uniform in his arms before heading out the room.

Ayame dipped the small towel into the cold water before wringing the water out and folding it, placing the cool towel on kyojuro's burning forehead his eyes groggily cracked open.

"Ayame?" he called quietly.


softly gazing down at the sick blonde man laying in front of her, he chuckled with a raspy tone before opening his eyes to gaze into her's.

"i thought you would've left by now"

"do you want me to?"

he laughed.



he said wiggling to the side with his towel falling down along with his movements.

he said wiggling to the side with his towel falling down along with his movements

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"you left so suddenly last time so i thought you would again this time"

her gaze narrowed towards the man with her lips tugging slightly up into an almost unnoticeable smile.

"i wouldn't leave without a word for no reason"

"then did something happen for you to leave so suddenly?"

"i wouldn't call it anything significant, i had returned because i had someone waiting for me back at the temple that could help heal me"

"thats quite a handy person you got"

Ayame giggled at his remark, if he knew the person he called handy was upper kizuki two would he still say the same?

senjuro creeped up from behind the shoji with a plate of medicine and tea, his expression brighten up enthusiastically noticing that his brother was awake.

"ani-ue you're awake!"

"yes sorry for making you do this in the middle of the night"

senjuro hummed in response shaking his head, he made his way besides Ayame setting down the plate bedsides him. kyojuro raised himself up from the futon to receive the medicine from senjuro who had carefully prepared it for him.

dumping the powder into his mouth he quickly gulped down the cup of tea within the span of a few seconds, handing it back to senjuro afterwards.

"thank you senjuro you should head back to bed now its late"

"ok get better soon"

he smiled watching senjuro from behind as he left, lowering himself back down on his side with a flop, kyojuro blinked his eyes open facing Ayame's knees.

"you have such a sweet little brother im sort of envious"

she whispered in a depressed tone, reminded of her own two siblings that she once had.


Ayame reached her hand towards the towel that layed next to his face, she was just about to retrieve it when kyojuro's warm hands grasped her's that were numbingly cold.

"would you stay with me?"

Ayame stayed silent not knowing how to answer him, kyojuro on the other side didnt mind her silence and instead felt it was quite soothing.

he nuzzled his forehead against her hand, warranting a giggle from ayame that couldn't help but find his actions adorable. adjusting her hand she retracted her long nails and rubbed his forehead, pushing his runaway hairs out of his face.

"that is if you go to sleep and get better"

"but im not tired.........then would you sing me a lullaby? i really enjoyed your voice that day i want to hear it again"

he asked with half closed eyes, silence swepted over them and kyojuro interpreted it as her answer of refusal. feeling disappointed at his shot down request his eyes came to a close.

moments later a sweet voice enveloped him, peeking open his eyes he smiled brightly before soon falling asleep to her sound, reminded of the days his mother would do the same when he was sick.



Ayame retrieved the towel that fell down onto his pillow dunking it once again into the cold water, with kyojuro staring intensely with his wide golden irises.

"relax i wont disappear without a word, ill wait until tomorrow once you get better and ill tell you in advance"

his lips turned up into a smile, she reached towards his forehead patting down the cold towel as he closed his eyes.

"is that a promise?"

"yes, after all you did save me once before, this is the least i can do now go to sleep"

he chuckled before going silent momentarily as his consciousness drifted off.

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