ch65 full recover dr

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Her veil slid down to her shoulders as she sat down unwrapping the bento as a steam of aroma bursted out of it upon opening the lid.

"Hmm smells amazing!"

He said, ayame was about to hand him the box when she realized his arms as hands had been wrapped tightly making it seem hard to move his joints in.

"wouldn't it be hard with your hands wrapped like that?"

She asked as kyojuro took it out of her hands placing it on top of his covered lap.

"No it seems worse than it actually is! Kocho loosened it up around the joints so I can move"

"I see that's good"

She replied as they smiled towards each other, kyojuro picked up his chopsticks looking down at the carefully prepared bento he took a bite.


He shouted like usual, ayame closed her eyes and let out a sigh.

"I'm relieved it turned out alright, I was worried you didn't like it"

Ayame said handing him the second box of food taking the empty one from him.

"Did you make this ayame?"

Kyojuro smiled slightly surprised receiving the box from ayame.

"Yes senjuro asked me to for today, even though I said I wasn't confident in cooking, so I just made something I knew you liked"

"It's delicious thank you!"

"You're welcome"

She said handing him a cup of water hydrate himself.

"So how was your first mission? Did anything unusual happen"

Ayame leaned back with a a tilted head and narrowed eyes as she hummed thinking about the events that transpired.

"It wasn't anything out of the ordinary, the group of demons were just clones of its original body, once I found the main body it was easy to take care of afterwards"

"That sounds like quite a troublesome technique! If I had known I would've liked to accompany you"

"Hai hai now eat up so you can take your medicine afterwards to make a full recovery"


Kyojuro replied as he shivered from the mention of the medicine everyone had a mutual feeling of hate towards.

2 months later

Today kyojuro was finally able to enter rehab after being bed ridden for nearly four months because of his severe internal injuries from his fight with akaza, all that's left is for him to train and regain his stamina and agility hence why they stood in the rehab room where the three little butterfly girls stood.

"Now that rengoku san has recovered, we will be overseeing your rehab, naho kiyo and sumi chan over there will start with making your limbs flexible again, afterwards will be reflex and full body training I will have ayame san help with that since shinobu san is currently busy and we need someone skilled enough to do so"

Said a frowning girl with pigtails and blue butterfly kanzashi's.


Kyojuro replied enthusiastically with his arms crossed as the three little girls walked up behind him.

"Rengoku san please lay down over there on your stomach please"

The girls directed him over as kyojuro obediently obeyed and layed flat on his stomach, ayame watched as he did and strangely she caught a slight expression of nervousness in his eyes, "it's just rehab training how bad could it be right?" Ayame thought before she was quickly proven wrong.

Naho and kiyo began by pulling him by the arms back as his back was bent backwards, kyojuro loudly laughed as his body quaked making slight cracking sounds.

"N-ne aoi chan, are you sure this is making his limbs flexible and not breaking them?"

"Yes, either way it works out in the end so don't worry to much"

Aoi replied as they both watched as kyojuro continuously laughed despite the pain he felt. After that was speed training where they played a game of tag with ayame as the one running and kyojuro would try to catch her, despite being bedridden for so long he was still easily able to move faster than a blink of an eye throwing the room into chaos as aoi tried to keep up with their movements.

After came reaction speed training and out of the three rehab sessions this was the only one he didn't lose his touch in, he was easily able to keep up with ayame making it 11-9 win out of 20 11 being ayame and 9 for kyojuro.

And for the next two weeks this became their daily routine accompanied by combat training.

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