Ch95 back in your arms dr

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Ayame's eyes widened as a heavy thud weighed on her heart, this was what she had feared to happen and she much preferred getting killed.


Muzans eyes narrowed harshly grabbing ayame by the face he glared coldly in her eyes.

"You don't have a choice my dear, you will accept take this blood whether you like it or not"

His grip strengthened and even with all her might ayame couldn't fight his much stronger force, her jaw slowly began to crack open and a gush of cold liquid drained down her throat.

His grip strengthened and even with all her might ayame couldn't fight his much stronger force, her jaw slowly began to crack open and a gush of cold liquid drained down her throat

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She could hear her heart thump and an immense pain erupted in her cells, the flesh unwrapped around her as she fell to the ground clenching her chest while she gasped in pain.

Muzan took hold of one arm and the biwa struck once more, the gate appeared within a place she had long since been in but she wasn't able to notice in her current condition.

"Hmm? Ah this presence it's muzan sam-"

Douma turned around with a cheerful glee that quickly turned into an expression of confusion then shock.

"Is that a-ayame chan?!? Ara you really were alive!"

He tried to keep his acting under control but with how things are unfolding it was hard to keep up a front.

"You can stop pretending Douma, I'll make an exception and take a blind eye to your unloyalty last time because of it I have gained another pawn to use, Make sure she doesn't escape this time that is if she survives"

He held her up by the arm and threw her towards Douma, he caught her within his arms and went down on a kneel looking up towards muzan as he turned to leave.

"If she survives? What does he mean by that..."

He thought and suddenly he felt ayame start to violently shake in his arms as if she was having a seizure.

"Aya chan!"

He yelled scanning her condition she was paler than normal with veins bulging on her head her eyes squinting from the pain, he realized that the cause of her pain was because of muzans blood. her demon marks began to grow and two objects that appeared to be horns started to develop.

"It'll be alright Aya chan, just hang on for a bit"

He said not sure what to do to help but to watch hopelessly, the amount of blood she had received at once was immense almost as if he truly did try to kill her.

Cradling her in his arms he tried to comfort her and thankfully before long, her breathing started to come under control.

He glanced down at her as she panted and coughed, her eyes slowly started to open but this time something was different about them.

"Aya chan your eyes!"

Douma exclaimed cupping her face he gazed into her groggy eyes that now had the symbol "upper moon 6" engraved, he now realized the full meaning of muzans words and that he had used her to fill the missing spot among the upper moons. He held her head close within his chest as a cold comfort for the suffering that's about to come, if only he was strong enough if only he had the ability to break away from the curse, maybe just maybe he would've been able to experience happiness with her.

Ayame coughed as a damp feeling seethed onto his chest followed by a weak push of her hand, she lifted herself away from his embrace with a frown and a hand to her head.

The condition of her body fully registered in her mind and the fact she had drunken his blood, like a deadly poison she could feel it run through her veins nauseating her as she hated this vessel she called her body even more.

"Aya chan are you alright?"

"I should be, out of everything that happened at the very least I don't think m-"

Her eyes widened as a suffocating cold chill ran through her veins, it felt like a invading fear was slowly swallowing her up clogging up her throat, and if she had finished her sentence it would've meant her death.

Clicking her tongue with her brows knitting together even more, she clenched her fists tight next to her.

"It seems that coward won't even allow me to say his name anymore, well at the very least I still have some immunity to his curse left"

"What do you mean Aya chan?"

Douma tilted his head at her, he knew that she had been able to break free of the curse once before but he didn't know exactly how. And her saying she had some immunity left over made it hard for him to grasp what she meant.

"I didn't break free if the curse by myself, as you know that is impossible to do, there was a one in a million chance that occurred one day and he was weakened temporarily which gave me and this other girl tamayo a chance to create a drug and fully break it, I still retained some immunity to prevent him from tracking me and reading my mind but if I take in any more if his blood it won't last"

She answered, douma's mouth formed an o as he tapped a fist in his palm like a revelation had been bestowed upon him.

"So what will you do now Aya chan?"

"What will I do now?...ha...haha... that's a good question"

Chucking a defeated laugh, she didn't know how to answer his question "what will I do? What can I do... no there is something, a promise I made recently" she thought.

She shakily got up to her feat to act upon what she had promised, but just as she turned to face Douma she felt a static in her mind, "Huh? What did I promise again?" She stood there in a daze wondering what she was talking about, like a fog something began to subconsciously devour her.

"Aya chan?"

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