Ch91 dr edit

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A week has passed since then, and there has been no further notice of muzan. Unsure if it was because ayame was barricaded in the corps, or if he had simply given up, either way ayame lived out her time fully prepared as if it were to happen in the next second.

Groaning ayame slumped her arms over the chabudai with her forehead pressed on the cold hard surface.

"Im so bored~"

She whined, though she had agreed to refrain from leaving the corps there wasn't much to do to help keep herself entertained. It was a constant cycle of helping with chores, reading, painting, or playing the shinobue, so much so that a pile of paintings had piled up in the corner of her room.

"Nee san! Ani-ue!! Tanjiro and nezuko san came to visit"

Senjuro's voice echoed through the halls, sitting up ayame turned her gaze outside her room with her ears perked up hearing tiny footfalls tread closer and closer towards her.

Soon enough the owner of the tiny footsteps nezuko came running in her room with her arms reached out.

"Ara nezuko, how are you"

She greeted holding her arms out as nezuko ran into her embrace, ayame's sleeves covered her like a blanket while she patted her on the back gently.

"Ayame san! It's been awhile I apologize for nezuko suddenly barging in like that"

"It's fine I don't mind"

Shaking her head from side to side with a smile she gestured him over to take a seat.

"By the way, where's Rengoku san?"

Tanjiro asked as he took a seat by the chabudai.

"Kyojuro? He should b-"

"Sorry!!! I was giving my katana some maintenance, how are you doing young kamado!"

Kyojuro came entering the room as enthusiastic as ever joining in on their conversation.

"No it's alright, I did come unannounced after all, speaking of which other than visiting I have a request for you Ayame san"

"For me?"

Ayame replied with a tilted head as she clapped hands with nezuko whom was sitting on her lap.

"Yes, you know tamayo san right? In truth I have been working with her on developing a drug to turn demons back into humans"

Both ayame and Kyojuro's eyes widened in a positive shock, it is a known fact that once you become a demon there is no going back, but to hear a drug is currently being developed was great news.

"That's fantastic! I must give my respects to this tamayo person"

"I agree, she is certainly a person worthy of respect, a person whom was able to create a drug to release muzans curse can surely be able to create a cure to revert demons into humans. so what is the request you have for me tanjiro?"

"Ah yes!"

Turning around he reached into one of his back pockets taking out a small wooden box, he placed it on the chabudai as kyojuro and ayame silently stared. She took the box within her hands and lifted the lid, inside was a small knife with a wooden handle.

" in order to develop this drug tamayo san has been studying nezukos blood, and I have been sending her blood samples of demons I defeat with close relations to muzan, if it's not to much to ask would it be alright if I obtain a sample of yours and give it to her?"

"Of course, you may take as much as you need"

If it meant her blood could help even in the least, ayame was happy to oblige to his request. Sliding up her sleeve exposing pale skin befitting that of a demons, she took the knife out the box and stabbed it into her arm as one would do with a needle injection.

"Here you go"

Handing tanjiro the box with the needle back inside, the sound of a cat call appeared besides them.

"Ah chachamaru!"


Both kyojuro and ayame said in unison.

"Yes! Chachamaru here is the one that delivers these to tamayo san"

Cracking open the small pouch on its back, tanjiro carefully snuggled in the box tugging at the two strings. The cat disappeared again with another call, without leaving so much as a trace like a ghost.

"I've never seen a disappearing messenger cat before! Is this the work of a demon art?"

Kyojuro asked with eyes beaming with curiosity as he turned his gaze back at tanjiro.

"Mhm! It's yushiros demon art, he's a subordinate of tamayo san"

"That's quite a useful technique, say would it be possible for me to call upon Chachamaru as well? In case I ever come across one of the kisuki I would like to be able to send her blood samples if I'm able to acquire any"

Though in reality she doubted she would get the chance to do so, due to the fact the next time she encounters another demon may very well be muzan himself. The idea of getting blood from the source itself would simply be a pipe dream, an absurd dream at that.

"Of course you can! It'll be a great help to be honest"

"In that case I would like to offer my assistance too!"

Tanjiro nodded and handed them each 3 of the same knifes that were in the box.

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