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Douma walked in with a towel wrapped around his lower body, exposing his toned chest and muscles that will never decay or age. Ayame watched as he stepped in to the spring and slowly make his way towards her with a grin, staring up to the night sky along with her.

"Did Aya chan have fun?"

"Hmm? I wouldn't exactly call if fun"

Ayame said in a relaxed manner, closing her eyes she turned her head down as she walked towards the corner of the spring to take a seat. While she did so she wasn't pleased to notice Douma making his way to seat himself besides her, and in a distance close enough for the sides of their arms and thighs to touch.

"Aren't you a little too close?"

She said leaning away from him with her gaze diverted. realizing that they were both one cloth away from being fully exposed to each other, ayame felt the beat of her heart start raising rapidly. She hoped that with the close distance Douma wouldn't notice her flustered state along with the beat of her heart, but with how attentive he is her hope was quickly shattered.

"Hoooh~? Is aya chan being shy? But I don't remember you minding that much when I helped bath you after you fought with Kag-"

Douma's teasing only resulted in him getting a hard punch in the face, rubbing his cheek he looked back at ayame smirking with a blood streak down the corner of his lips. Noticing ayame's blushing embarrassed expression, he could tell she wished to drown him if only it would work.

"Idiot why do you even remember that"

She grimaced with a glare as Douma chuckled heartedly, wiping a tear off the corner of his eye.

"But aya chan was clinging onto me so tight~ of course I would reme-"

"Shut that's enough out of you"

Slapping her palm against his mouth she attempted to silence him while wallowing in her own embarrassment, feeling her face throb with heat that wasn't because of the springs. Ayame heard a mischievous hum coming from Douma, and soon enough he did something that was worth her worry.

 Ayame heard a mischievous hum coming from Douma, and soon enough he did something that was worth her worry

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She felt something warm and soft press against the middle of her palm.


"Ara? Is Aya chan blushing~"

Ayame immediate adverted her gaze away as she took her hand out of his grasp.

"I've just been in the water for too long, I'm getting out now"

Douma watched as ayame hurriedly left with her ears still burning bright with embarrassment, finding it cute to see her so flustered by his action. "If I knew this was what makes Aya chan react, I would've done this much earlier" he thought with a giggle before leaving the tub as well.

Douma found her standing by the hall outside of an empty room, he was about to creep up on her silently with a hand extended, but was abruptly stopped by the sight of ayame tensing up while she seemingly held her face.

"What are you doing Aya dear~"

"It's nothing, if I remember there's still two requests you have yet to make right?"

"Ah right! I almost forgotten about them"

Hitting a fist in his palm, his eyes eventually traced back down towards ayame who stared at a him with a bleak look, not even attempting to hide her thoughts as it was clearly written on her face. "Are you serious? After all that talk during the battle, is probably what she is thinking" Douma thought.

"What am I going to do with you, is there anything you want to request Douma"

He looked into the distance while pondering, with his fan spread and covering his mouth. being a demon secluded for so long, he came to realize he didn't know much about the world, or how people lived. A smirk slowly grew on his lips as he shut his fan abruptly, gazing at her with a coy expression in his eyes he chuckled.

"Ah I got it~"

"What is it?"

He took his closed fan extending it towards ayame he raised her chin up.

He took his closed fan extending it towards ayame he raised her chin up

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"I want Aya chan to surrender yourself to me for a day~"

"Huh?!? What do you mean"

"Exactly that, surrender your body and soul to me for a day"

Ayame hummed with a narrowing gaze, "he really knows how to take advantage of things, he made one request into endless amounts".

"So in simple terms, you want me to indulge in every thing you ask of me for a day, calculating bastard, why not I'll take you up on it"

She smirked as Douma laughed on end, and with the soon rising sun ayame's freedom would be taken away for a day, but in a different light then what she knew.


"Ne ne Aya chan"


Ayame replied while running a hand through douma's hair while he leisurely laid down on her lap.
"What's that thing humans do in the snow?"

"Which one?"

"The one where they make things"

"Ah a snow sculpture"

"So that's what it is called"

"I suppose winter is ending soon. Do you wish to make one?"


"Then let's go"

Ayame replied standing up as Douma sat up in response to look towards her.

"Eh? Right now? But it's bright out Aya chan"

"It's fine as long as the clouds are shielding the sun"

"A-Aya chan don't tell me you often did that?"

Douma stuttered now questioning which one of them was truly the insane one, he watched as her footsteps brought her closer and closer towards the closed fusama leading to the outside where the sun would meet her. Within seconds ayame's hands now plastered on the sides of the fusama, prompting Douma to stand up and grab onto her in worry before she slid them open.

His grasp was a little too late, for the better or for the worse within a quick second followed by a flash of fear he had been pulled out from the shadows, and into the bright outside world. Ayame turned around by the ball of her feet to see Douma in a state of complete shock, frozen in place.


She felt his tight grasp on her arm flinch before their touch finally parted, his expression was completely different from anything she had ever seen, yet at the same time it was the same alluring face she saw everyday.

Douma looked down at the hand that had touched the closest thing to sunlight since decades, his chin the tilted up to see ayame completely unscathed on the other side of the shade looking at him with a raised brow.

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