Ch114 red lion dr

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It was an hour after midnight and everyone had long fallen asleep, or so it seemed for a boy who layed sleepless in his futon. With the corps bustling with energy and anxiety for an unprecedented war, more and more tasks arrived for the tired slayers including his dearest brother.

It had been three days and three nights since he last saw him, and nearly two years since he last saw a very much missed sister figure of his. Even with the reassurance of his brother telling him "she is alive, she is still the same person you knew"
He couldn't help but still occasionally wonder is she really alright?

His words may be the truth, but it didn't tell him if she was really fine. Is she in pain? Is kibutsuji treating her bad? Is she being forced to do things she doesn't want again? He couldn't help but fathom after her sudden disappearance, all he wished was to see her once again and say a proper goodbye at the very least.

Tossing and turning he layed on his rib cage staring at the snowy outside with his drowsy yet wide awake eyes, with the shoji slid open on each side it acted like a stage curtain for his vision.


"Ne Senjuro, in your eyes what do I resemble?

Taken back by her sudden question he gazed up at her smiling visage before staring up at the sky with a thought.


Ayame's eyes widened at his response, stunned at his choice of a lion, a animal that represented power, strength, confidence, and protection. She felt flattered that Senjuro saw her in such a way, at first she felt undeserving of it before it began to grow on her moments later.

Shutting her eyes with a soft smile she replied in a matching tone.

"A lion... that's not a bad choice"

His eyes widened just as that last sentence played in his mind, he saw the exact thing in a shade of crimson, floating in the white bathed yard. rising up to his forearm he rubbed his eyes to make sure he was seeing right. Once he blinked them open a small gasp escaped from his lips, he was indeed not Hallucinating and there truly was a small lion peering at him there.

Pulling his blanket off of his legs he hurriedly skipped over and down the engawa, he opted himself to raise a hand and touch it. But right before the tip of his finger could touch it, it flung into the air and began to head out of the estate.


He called running after the lion, with his head tilted up the whole time he didn't watch where he was going and simply kept his eyes plastered on the lion.

After awhile of running through the night completely numb to the cold, his footsteps slowly came to a stop as he held his knees and panted. Within the heavy sounds of his breath, a familiar voice echoed in the near distance.

A familiar sound, a familiar feeling, a familiar aura, he continued to walk passing through the bushes the wind blew strong. His eyes shut on extinct and opened again just as quick from hope, his eyes caught the lion slowly float down and land upon the tips of a finger.

He immediately recognized the dancing figure adorned in colours that vividly stood out in the field of white, it was the same voice and back view as the person he hadn't seen for two years

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He immediately recognized the dancing figure adorned in colours that vividly stood out in the field of white, it was the same voice and back view as the person he hadn't seen for two years.

"Ayame nee-san"

He whispered, his feet began to move again slowly picking up its speed with each step until he came to a sprint. He collided against ayame's back, wrapping his arms around her stomach as he started to sob. She let out a sigh lowering her arms she turned around to hug him, they knelt down in the snowy field with ayame patting his back.

"Ara ara, I'd didn't expect to see you cry first thing after two years, did you run out here without a coat? It must be cold"

Taking off her haori she wrapped it around Senjuro before cupping his red and chilly cheeks.

"How have you been doing Senjuro?"

"Where have you been all this time nee-san, me and ani-ue have been so worried"

Wiping away his tears he opened his eyes to meet hers, they were the same crimson shade as always filled with power and a gentle kindness, except they seemed more tired then he remembered.

Her lips downturned before quirking up to her usual smile, one that seemed genuine yet full of white lies.

"Well Senjuro, I just simply returned to the place I came from, somewhere within reach, yet far away"

He tilted his head to side, confused by her vague answer. Shaking his head from side to side he let go of that thought, since that wasn't what's important at the moment.

"Nee-san...does that mean you're finally coming back now?"

He asked, looking up at her with eyes full of anticipation and hope, a look ayame wished would never extinguish in this young boy she cared for. Her eyes slightly narrowed into a slow blink, her hands fell from his cheeks and onto his shoulders as Senjuro's gaze followed them.

"I'm sorry"

"Why? You're here now aren't you?"


She stayed quiet with the same unwavering yet regretful smile. Senjuro examined her smile within the painful silence, as a realization slowly crawled in his mind, one he tried to deny. Her smile wasn't simply just one of grief, it was one you would see on a person that had come to terms with things, and is fulfilling their remaining tasks. One of fulfilment, yearning, peace, a mournful last smile.

"Nee san, it can't be, say something please!"

Her silence prolonged through his held back sobs until he could no longer do so, becoming a broken dam as his tears poured out in ayame's arms, knowing that once he pulls away he will never experience it again.

"Senjuro...can you do one last thing for me? One last request as your elder sister..."

She whispered while holding him close with one hand placed on the back of his head, feeling his head slowly nod within his trembles.

"Thank you, then please tell kyojuro that I'm thankful for everything he has done for me, and that I was glad I was able to live long enough to meet him, and that I'm sorry"

He snapped his head up in a hurry with a shadow hovering over his complexion, looking into her eyes as he desperately searched for another way.

"Ayame nee-san, don't go! you can tell him that yourself, just come with me back to our house it's near here, please I can't do it otherwise it sounds like a will"

"Senjuro? Why did you suddenly run out? Who are you talking to? What do you mean by a wi...ll"

They both looked towards the direction from where Senjuro came from with a stunned expression, and there along with the familiar worried voice emerged kyojuro.

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