Ch94 a sudden goodbye dr

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"We've arrived"

sitting up with a stretch, he looked out the window to see everything covered in white blankets of snow, not a single patch of grass could be seen for miles.

"luckily the area resides quite a way from people so it seems! Well then we should get off here and continue on foot"

With a nod ayame gathered their belongings and headed to the end of the train, the location of Kyojuro's mission was at the outskirts of town and because a station was no where near, they had to jump off the moving train.

Once the door opened a gush of cold piercing wind hit their skin, blowing ayame's hair violently in the air like a whip. Pulling her hair behind her hair she looked towards the outside and something was drapped over her head with a pat of a hand on top of her head, she looked up behind her to see kyojuro smiling as he wrapped his cloak over her to protect ayame from the sunlight that barely seeped through the cloud covered sky.

He offered a hand to her with a smile which she happily accepted, and on a mutual feeling they both propelled themselves through the air landing upon the earth like a deity.

"Thank you kyojuro here"

Pulling down his haori from her head, ayame exposed herself to the bright outside. With the only difference is that she didn't burn herself like she did earlier today, despite seeming sunny due to the fact that cold chilling snow clouds blanketed over the sun. A rare case that only happens in the coldest of winters, and because it is rare she didn't want to spend an environment that's closest to being under the sun again under a haori.

"No, you should wear it instead ayame!"

"But it's a family heirloom"

"It doesn't matter, it's better than you freezing or getting burned!"

Pushing the haori back and forth towards each other, they argued for the first time since they met and over something so trivial at that.

"I won't, and besides you're wearing less than I am! I can see your breath in the air, I'll be heading back soon anyway so just take it"

Throwing it over Kyojuro's shoulders, she wrapped the collar tight around his neck nearly choking the man before letting go as skipping away. Not long after walking through the cold snowy woods ayame could see her breath rise up into the air, her eyes narrowed as it reminded her of the day she first entered douma's temple, it was a cold winter night similar to the weather now.

"Are you cold?"

Kyojuro asked from beside her with his arms crossed over his chest, ayame turned to face him with a smile before slowly shaking her head from side to side.

"No, it's bearable and in a way I quite enjoy the chill after a long summer"

"I agree! It's fascinating how some places are already so snowy while others are still only just entering the autumn season"

Kyojuro replied looking up into the sky as small specks of snow began to fall, ayame tilted her gaze up to the cloud covered sky as well ,holding out a hand a single snowflake slowly fell into her palm.

She admired its unique pattern with a smile it was almost time for her to start making her way back to the corps, before the night fell and disaster could befall on them.


She turned to face kyojuro, just as she was about to open her mouth to talk an aura she knew all to well appeared like a ghost, she felt the snowflake slowly melt in her hand like the remaining sliver of hope she had.

Clicking her tongue with a frown it caught the attention of kyojuro.

"What's wrong? Ayam-"

He was caught off by the sudden force of gravity erupting from ayame, he was flung backwards falling to the snowy ground meters away from ayame. Coughing he looked up towards her and in his bewilderment the sound of a biwa echoed and fusama slides appeared under ayame, his eyes widened watching ayame as she crossed her arms bracing herself from the impact below.

A large repulsive tentacle of flesh harshly grasped around ayame's upper body flinging her up into the air as she winced with her head pushed down by the force of air.

And just as fast the arm started to retract itself back inside the fusama slides taking ayame with it, kyojuro instantly pulled himself up and dashed towards ayame as she was being pulled down with a arm reached out.


He screamed stretching his arm out as far as he can he tried to grab onto ayame's arm that was barely visible through the flesh, missing it by a few millimeters as the fusama closed shut. Disappearing along with ayame and all that was left of her was the bell that was snapped off by the fusama, his face became pale and in a state of denial he couldn't register what had just happened.

But once it did a fiery rage boiled inside of him hoping that everything was just a dream, a nightmare that has yet to happen. He bared his fist tight tainting the snow with his blood, he let out a fierce howl of frustration.

Ayame side

She was hung upside down in the middle of the infinity fortress, hung like a dead animal in a slaughter house, she felt the pressure around her body increase with the flesh squirming tighter around her. It felt as if her ribs and organs were slowly being crushed, but was it truly just a feeling?

Blood spilled out of her mouth as ayame dug her claws into the flesh of the tentacles with the arms that she was able to wiggle out in between the two layers of flesh around her body, slowly ripping streaks down in attempt to free herself another strike of a biwa sounded.

"Did you enjoy your extended time my dear?"

"Ha, anywhere away from you is a bliss, did you really miss me that much that you came for me during the day? I thought you were to much of a coward to pull a stunt like that"

Ayame scoffed at muzan with glaring eyes of hatred.

"You truly put me through a lot of trouble trying to find you, running around like a rat under my nose, but now that you're back why don't you tell me everything you know about those damn slayers"

"If you really think I will tell you, then unfortunately for you that is not the case so you should just hurry up and finish the job you failed to do last time and kill me"

"As stubborn as always aren't you, well I expected as much, but it's seems you're forgetting what I said"

Ayame's brows frowned and her eyes narrowed at his words, she watched as his lips turned up into a devilish grin. The tentacle began to move again waving her around in the air until eventually smashing her down to the platform before muzan, force kneeling her before him.

"Well no matter, if you forgot I'll just have to remind you, instead of killing you I've decided to stick to my original plan, once your time is up I expect you to join the ranks, do you remember now?"

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