Chapter 7 - Family and War

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Ryker POV

I pulled up to my 2-story home tucked away in an immense forest. Unlike most packs the Night Shade pack's house was only used for events and I lived in a separate home.

My family was taken in by the former Alpha when I was 14 years old. Three years later the Night Shade pack was attacked by feral Rogues. We lost a few members including our Beta, our Alpha, and the Alpha's bloodline.

It left a whole pack of a thousand members with no leader. We had to either elect a new Alpha or take the Red Moon's offer to disband our ways and join them as servants to the royal pack. Since I was the oldest and of Alpha blood I was looked to as a leader, even though I was only seventeen.

I became the youngest Alpha and took my brother Christopher as my Beta. Chris was the only person I could trust from the pack and he was also one of the few people that knew all my secrets.

Together with our sister, Hope, we turned the lazy pack into warriors and mandated pack events. I wanted to keep the family community I loved, but needed them to be stronger against future attacks. After they saw the feral ways of the Rogues not many argued about the changes.

I took a few moments staring at my home. It was a modern farmhouse painted Navy with white shutters. There was a plush landscape in both front and back. It had five bedrooms but mostly just housed myself and Chris. My mother and younger siblings had their own home only minutes down the road.

All the lights were on, and I could hear music coming from the backyard. I was exhausted after the last few days at the Red Moon territory, but I couldn't help let a smile take over thinking of my family alive and safe in my home.

I climbed up the front steps of my white wrap around porch and headed out back. I saw my younger brothers teasing our little sister and decided to help her out. I crept up behind the boys and grabbed them both. The boys screamed as they were scooped up then thrown into the pool.

"Hi little Rose. Are those yucky boys giving you trouble?" I asked her, scrunching my face like they were gross. She jumped up and down laughing at our brothers as they wailed in the pool.

"Yes Rykie, they deserve a spanking." She teased. Our twin brothers shot her a pleading looking not wanting to feel my wrath. I loved all my siblings but no one upset my Rose.

Maddox and Alex climbed out of the pool with fear in their eyes. "We were just playing around, that's all. Come on Rose why don't we have a tea party." Maddox said. When I turned to Rose, I didn't miss Alex put his hands together praying for forgiveness.

"Fine, but only if Ms. pointy (her stuffed unicorn) and Mr. Snuggles (her stuffed bear) can join us."

"Of course, it wouldn't be a proper tea party without them little Rose." Maddox said picking her up to walk inside.

"You boys better be nice or I'll make sure there are tea parties every night before bed." I yelled, giving Rose a wink.

Maddox and Alex were rare twins with black hair and blue eyes like me and our father. They were of Alpha blood, but not as powerful as me, no one was. My two sisters Rose and Hope and my brother Chris all had dirty blonde hair and hazel eyes like our mom. We were unmistakable as siblings no matter the hair color or eyes though.

"Oh, Ryker, why do you torture those boys? You know Rose is no angel. This morning she saran wrapped the toilet again." A sweet voice came from the back door from my mother, Meredith.

"Psh, she is perfect." I replied with a kiss on her cheek and walked inside heading for the kitchen. I could smell her apple pie and was salivating just thinking about it.

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