Ch. 122 - Crowning Ceremony

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Elena POV

I stood next to my father's chair waiting nervously. It had been twenty minutes and there was no word from Nate or Ryker. Damien kept glancing to me from where he sat with his mother. He tried to remain confident, but it's been too long since we heard from Nate.

The King stood, walking towards the stage's edge to address our people. He spoke out loud and through our mindlink for all of the kingdom and council to hear.

"We are gathered here today to witness the end of my era and the beginning of my daughter's. I have put my blood, sweat, and tears into this Kingdom so it would remain protected from the many threats we faced in the past, and may still face in the future. Although my child will be Queen with no King, I will be here to guide her. In two weeks time she will chose a mate and give her people their next King." He glared at me so I knew this was nonnegotiable. The crowd cheered for both myself becoming Queen and at the idea of a new King soon.

I tensed at the idea of only two weeks until the next battle would start and for the first time, I truly wished my father was dead. I didn't like the hatred brewing inside of me, but that man had used me so many ways that it was hard not to feel suffocated with rage. His time needed to come to an end and I knew it was my responsibility to end it.

'Don't worry princess. He will be dead before then and you won't have to take a King so soon.' Damien was just as surprised by the announcement, but he saw how I flinched at the idea.

'I'm not sure if plotting my father's death is reassuring or not, but I won't let it faze me today.'

"Wait! King, we have a matter that we must discussed before you continue." Ryker seemed to appear from thin air racing towards the stage. My eyes widened in fear at what he was doing.

"What is the meaning of this? You have no right to interrupt me. Guards! Seize this man." The King seemed too happy to suddenly arrest his right hand man. Something wasn't right.

"My apologies King. My brother has the man that killed Alpha Owen and we have proof. I'm asking you for just a few minutes to show you so you could sentences him now." Ryker spoke never meeting my eyes.

It was as if I was not even here and meant nothing to him. He was about to do something I didn't approve of and he couldn't face me when doing it. Davina was vibrating in my head at his disrespect.

The King looked behind him noticing an empty seat next to Luna Marissa. She wore a smirk on her face knowing her mate was already gone.

"Is Owen really dead?" He asked in a low tone to the Luna. I guess no one informed him of last nights events. My heart was beating rapidly knowing Nate was the one behind it and he has been missing all morning.

"Yes, my King. I didn't want to upset today's events with such tragic news." Marissa responded, throwing a glance at Luna Theresa. She was obviously targeting her next victim so the King was finally hers.

"Where is your brother?" Alpha Blake spoke with anger to Ryker. The crowd was already erupting into a frenzy at the news of another royal Alpha dead.

"He is coming. Ah, there he is." Ryker pointed in the crowd and they began parting a path to the stage.

"No!" I shouted, seeing Nate beaten and bloody hanging from Chris' arms.

"You will not speak child." The King looked at me with pure hatred for daring to react while they discussed matters.

I closed my mouth and glued my eyes to Nate. All would be reveled if they dare try to kill him! Davina was in agreement that none of our secrets were worth Nate's life.

'If one person touches him, Davina and my magic will take them all down. I promise.' I spoke to Damien in our link for reassurance.

'I'm going to fucking gut Chris for this.' Damien's voice was angry, but also heartbroken.

I shot him a quick glance before returning back to Nate. Damien's eyes were shifting between his and his wolf and they were glued on Chris.

Chris reached the far edge of the stage and forced Nate to kneel in front of him and Ryker.

"Show me this proof." The King demanded.

Ryker brought his phone to the King and played the video from the night before. Not only did it show Nate killing Alpha Owen, but he admitted to also killing his own father.

'Damien, he killed Alpha Edward too?' I asked in surprise.

'Yes!' Damien responded, barely holding his anger back. I shot him another look and I could see the steam pouring out his ears from the rage that was building inside him.

His eyes were still fixated on Chris. I followed his line of sight and saw the guilt all over Chris' face. I wondered what the hell was going on with them.

Ryker switched to a new video. "I also have surveillance of him physically and sexually abusing a prisoner."

My eye widened then quickly looked away. I had no idea they liked it so rough and I definitely didn't want to see that. I was thankful there was no audio.

'Ryker, it's not what you think.' I tried telling him, but he slammed shut our mindlink. Ryker knew I would plead for Nate's life and came prepare to shut me out. It would be the last time he had the opportunity to push me to the side though.

"Enough! I don't care what he does to our prisoners. The evidence of his betrayal to this Kingdom by killing two Alphas is enough for his execution." A dark aura grew from the King that every wolf could feel.

Ryker felt an unnatural power radiating off him and retreated behind Nate and by his brother's side. He moved closer to me, but I stepped closer to Damien annoyed that Ryker actually tried to show concern for me.

The King was about to explode and we weren't sure how, but we knew he was powerful enough to take down almost everyone here, maybe even the Shadows. I held my head a little higher, refusing to lose my confidence. My father might be unnaturally powerful, but I was stronger, somehow I knew I was.

Richard's vision appear to me. He said I would fight my father and lose. Ryker would try to save me and he would be killed. This was what he saw. I knew it to be true and panicked consumed me. If I fight my father we all die.

"That prisoner he abused was a member of our pack. One that had no crimes. I ask your permission to end his life in our territory?" Chris boldly spoke, making Ryker growl at him.

The King was obviously pissed and wouldn't care about Nate's treatment of their sister when he killed his two Alphas.

Nate's head began swaying. "What the fuck?" He spit out, trying to reach his hands to his head when he noticed they were bound behind his back. He hissed at the slow burning sensation he started to feel from the silver cuffs.

'Nate? Can you hear me?' I pleaded in his head.

'El? Your voice is small. I think they injected me with something. I can't make out what you're saying.' He responded.

My eyes began tearing. I couldn't think of any way to save him other than fighting Ryker and my father right here. Richard warned me of this though. If I went up against my father now, Ryker would intervene and die. I was about to kill Ryker myself, but that was not how today was ending.

I sent a message to Damien for ideas, but he only responded with kill them all. His rage was at a whole new level and he wasn't thinking straight.

"Nathaniel Agent you are found guilty of killing both your father, Alpha Edward, and Alpha Owen. I don't fucking care how you plea. You are sentenced to immediate death." The King waved guards to come.

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