Ch. 38 - Pain

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Chris POV

I left Damien's office in a mess of emotions, mostly murderous ones. I wanted to kill them all and get this over with, but I also knew I couldn't. Damien's throat was inches from my teeth. I could had taken his life countless times, yet hesitated. I wanted to believe it was because Ryker ordered no harm to the kids, but I knew that wasn't it.

I stormed my way to the training arena wanting to do nothing more than to tear my clothes away and run straight home. I was done with all this Trio and heirs bullshit. My life was ripped from me at 10 years old when those bastard Alphas took my father's and brother's life.

My thoughts were flipping from my past to my present. I tried pushing the memories away, but it was too late. I was enraged from conflicting emotions, not allowing myself to realize the truth of my present. My mind went where I spent countless hours training myself to hid away in a dark corner of my mind.

I fell to my knees as my nightmare came forward.

A small child with little hands and little feet stood in fear as his strong father battled two men who looked to be of equal strength, atleast physically. At first the boy held his head high, knowing without a doubt his father was invincible. Even against two Alphas he would prevail as he was not just a werewolf, but a Shadow. He had magic and secrets in his blood blessed by the moons goddess herself.

Then a blade ripped down his father's chest bringing a howl of pure pain the little boy's ears never heard from his father before. The gaping wound extended diagonally from shoulder to waist pouring out blood. The boy noticed how it wasn't healing and tears began filling his eyes. How could this be? How could his father be unable to heal?

Then something he never thought could be possible, never even crept in his nightmares as a possibility, happened. As each Alpha grabbed one of his father's arms, pinning them behind him, a third Alpha appeared, lounging at him with an extend arm. His hand came down with wolf claws, tearing at his father's throat, ripping half of it off clean from his body.

His father fell to his knees, already dead, then went limp to the ground, burying his face in the streets. His head was turned towards the boy who was frozen in disbelief. The boy stared at his father's lifeless eyes not caring what happened next.

His world was just shattered. The three Alphas circled his father's body laughing. They proudly howled in unison of their kill and in that moment the boy swore vengeance.


I was there by my father's side when two Alphas doubled teamed him, then a third ended his life. Ryker got to me just in time, but it was too late to help our dad.

Ryker was covered in our oldest brother's blood as he just watched him get torn to pieces. He ran to find his siblings and got to me the exact moment a feral beast tore out our father's throat.

I was frozen in shock, thankful everyday my older brother was there to drag me away. I would had just recklessly attacked them, welcoming my own death after what I witnessed.

Once I got my bearings back I swore to never be so weak again. I swore to protect my family just as fiercely as Ryker protected us. I made many mistakes after that vow, lost myself in ways I shouldn't had, but I wouldn't lose myself now.

Getting comfortable with these kids was messing with my head though. I liked being in my own little Shadow world where everything was simple.

The Rogues annoyed me, but they were under my command and I showed little interest in their lives anyways. For eight years I had one goal. This goal was my way to honor my dad and gain our family's freedom. It was what I lived for and what kept the darkness at bay inside me. These heirs were messing with my purpose; to destroy the trio and their family the same way they destroyed mine.

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