Ch. 33 - Disgrace

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Ryker POV

Rosie had woke early, running straight to my room feeling my presence was close before even opening her eyes. She cuddled her small frame into my arms nuzzling her head into my neck. I laughed at the show of affection wondering how it was possible for this little pup to hold so much of my heart.

She went on for what seemed like hours of every minute of her time that I was away. I loved hearing her little voice as it changed from excited to mad to confused. She was so innocent, slowly finding her way in the world, and I ate up every second she was able to have a normal childhood.

She wasn't going to grew up too fast or have the weight of our father's and older brother's death on her shoulders like we did.

When she told me how Maddox and Alex teased her and her friends I decided those boys needed to be reminded who the Queen of the house was.

I got the wolfsbane oil for her to add a few drops in their toothpaste. It was a very small amount mixed with other herbs so it would only burn a few minutes.

Then I gave her the lilac leaves to crush and mix with the wolfsbane oil and added the paste to their shampoo. This would burn, remove some hair, and dye it purple.

We giggled wildly as we set up the evil plan to teach the boys not to mess with my little Rose.

The twins would not dare go against me and even understood my overbearing love for our youngest sister. They were just four years old when our family was changed forever.

They only had small glimpses of our father and oldest brother, but they remembered how I was just a small boy taking care of them all, while leading our shadow pack from one homeless woods to the next.

I turned a handful of Shadow Rogues into a powerful force. I did all this for years while also caring for our mother, who as on the brink of suicide. Somehow we coaxed her into living though, and it gave us all a mom again.

Chris was lost for years dealing with both the loss of family and the brutal murder he witnessed. He never turned his back on any of us, but he was only half present most the time.

Hope buried herself in learning to be the best warrior leading our defenses. She kept our pack safe. In the end, Chris and Hope did a lot too, but it was me that made the decisions and I gave the orders gluing us all back together.

Maddox and Alex were still young boys now living a normal teenage life. They easily forgot the hardships our family went through or the secrets our wolves held. I gave them a normal life within the Night Shade pack and that included being bully brothers to their annoying little sister.

When Maddox and Alex woke to wolfsbane toothpaste and purple dye shampoo, compliments of our little sister, it sent the household into an uproar before anyone rose from their beds. Meredith tried scolding her 8 year old for her actions, but I only gave her a high five, reminding our mom how a little girl couldn't possibly get those ingredients if not from me.

Chris and I didn't fight once all morning and we were reminded of the brotherhood we shared. While our mom and Rosie prepared breakfast I took the boys to a nearby lake for some fishing, feeling the need to all bond. I did favor Rosie and I didn't care that it showed, but I wanted all three of my brothers to know I loved them too.

I was exhausted by the time I left my house and it was still morning. My mom made a feast for all of us to devour while enjoying everyone's company. It wasn't the same with Hope missing, but we made the best of it.

I arrived to the pack house as they were all just finishing their breakfast. I took a seat, but declined food. I didn't think I could fit another bit in my overly filled belly.

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