Ch. 93 - Soul Magic

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Ryker POV

I arrived at the hospital with Damien, Nate, and Elena curled up together on a couch waiting to hear from the Doctor. Nate's fingers lightly swept up and down her arm while she gently caressed Damien's head that laid across her lap. I wanted to rip each finger off his dirty hands then tear off the other's head.

Elena heard my growl and looked to me with pure defeat. My eyes returned to blue and I slowly approached them. I had no reason to be jealous. I knew it was my wolf desperate to mark her, but we had to be patient. I needed to trust her or that day would never come.

Elena rose letting me engulf her into my embrace and she let her heart break all over again. Everyone around us, from nurses to patients, whined at her pain.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. Do we know how this happened?" I spoke softly, still fighting my wolf to calm his jealousy of finding her in two other men's embrace.

Elena shook her head no. I had bonded with the boy too and finally felt the weight of what happened. I was so consumed by Elena's pain the fact that it was because of Dexter dying never registered to me before.

I looked around and saw nurses crying, doctor clenching their chest, and even patients whining in pain.

I knew the boy was close to many, but something else was happening. I pulled Elena back looking deep into her eyes. My magic pulled at hers and I stumbled backwards from the overwhelming power of tens of thousands of wolves. "Elena, you... you have soul magic."

Elena looked at me uninterested though. She was so lost in her misery that she couldn't process anything.

"Elena I know your sad, I literally can feel your heart breaking, but you have to separate yourself from everyone. You are pushing and pulling at all their souls. It's very dangerous."

Elena shook her head no. She was lost in a pit of despair, and she couldn't climb out. My eyes turned gold, pulling Davina forward. Elena's eyes flutter between lavender and silver until Davina won. "Ryker? What is happening? I feel I'm falling into darkness." Her wolf asked.

"I know baby, but you have to take control. You do have soul magic and you are using an immense amount of it. Everyone can feel your pain and I think you can feel them. It will drain you, can even kill you. Maybe kill everyone too. Look how your effecting them." I spun her around to look at the staff and patients. I could barely process how she had soul magic let alone enough power to connect to so many.

"Shit! How do I stop?" Elena began panicking and everyone start to become uneasy. A little boy started banging his head to the wall, a nurse bit her nails until they bleed, and a doctor nervously tapped his pen rapidly against his clipped board.

"Just look at me. Concentrate on something, anything else. You need to push for balance and take control."

Elena closed her eyes taking deep breaths in and out. Her mind went to simpler days with her best friends. Days filled with them all at the lake splashing around and playing.

"Good baby. You're doing it. Just calm your soul and push your magic back."

Elena swooned over my sweet voice walking her off the ledge. She reminded herself of the first days we met. When we chased each other at the lake. How I laughed and teased her.

She slowly opened her eyes finding my dark blue ones
filled with both worry and love for her. She was something beyond this world. She placed a small kiss on my lips and I returned it back to her.

"Thank you!" She whispered then hugged me tightly.

This was the true Alpha she needed from me. No one could ever love her like I do. Although I could push her so far over the edge, I was also the only one that could drag her back from it.

The last voice I wanted to hear came out from down the hall. "Alpha! I didn't know you were here. I'm so sorry about the boy. We are bringing him down for an autopsy now. Hopefully we will find out what..." Carmelita was suddenly cut off with deep growls.

"No!" Damien, Chris, and myself all shouted.

"He will not be cut into. I didn't authorize any of this." Damien spoke with venom in his voice.

"He will be taken to my pack. There isn't a single doctor in this hospital I trust." I warned all of them and Carmelita shivered in fear, understanding that meant I didn't trust her either. I still held Elena tight to my body and Carm looked at us oddly that I seemed too close to the girl.

'Elena they will experiment on him. They know he had the sight.' Damien and I both rang through her head. I growled at Damien for being able to speak to her.

"I'm sorry Alphas he was already been taken." Carmelita spoke carefully, sensing the tension in the room.

"Bring us now!" Damien ordered and Carmelita looked fearful at him.

"It's not a request Carmelita. Move. Now!" Elena spoke before I could. We all paused at her command. She was not telling the Doctor, she was compelling her. It seemed every day she became more powerful and she didn't even realize it.

"Of course!" Carm said, trying to stop her feet from moving. There was something she was hiding and I was going to find out what it was.

We caught up to Dexter's body just as he was being wheeled down the hall to the autopsy room. I opened my mouth to stop them when we were met with Luna Marissa. It wasn't surprising to find her here. They must of all known about his sight and I wonder if they did this to the boy.

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