Ch. 70 - A Witch with a Wolf

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Serenity POV

When I first arrived at Esters' I was an emotional mess. I felt betrayed by the only person I felt was truly family. I knew Elena would be mad about lying to her, but never did I think Elena would so quickly dismiss me.

I didn't know what I would tell her about being a witch. I just always believed our bond was unbreakable and didn't worry much about it. I hid this part of myself because my father said Elena's life would be in danger otherwise. Elena had to know I would only keep secrets to protect her, but she never gave me a chance to explain.

Two days passed and I refused food or to leave my bed. Ester only had a small cottage with four rooms. A kitchen, living room, main bedroom, and spare bedroom. The spare was about the size of Elena's closet and held just a single bed and night stand. The small window in it I used my magic to reflect all light so I remained in darkness no matter the time of day.

"Come on child, it's time to get up. I let you sulk in your tears and filth for two days now. It is time to resume with the living." Ester's frail voice came out as her cane knocked against the door.

"Never! I will die a horrible death in this closet you call a room." I moaned back to her.

I didn't want to talk or think about anything. I just wanted to slowly wither away and die. The bond to Elena ran deep, but I also felt like I lost my family.

"Your Queen is not dead, just mad. It's time you get yourself together and make a plan. She is your sister by the moon goddess and will forgive you. Do you really want to be dead when that day comes?"

I thought about her words for a long moment. She was right, Elena would forgive me. One day she will need me too. Dark times are coming and I can't die before I help us all through them. I threw the covers off and ripped my door open. "You're right. We are sisters and the bond I feel to her goes both ways, right?"

Ester gave me sad eyes "Not exactly my child, but I'm sure she misses you and one day will need you. If she knew how you just gave up to waste away in this closet of a room you call of mine, she would be heart broken. Pull yourself together."

I nodded my head and stormed into the living room to grab my clothes for a shower. I would not waste away anymore.

"Oh god, what is that smell?" A strange whinny voice with a hint of a British accent rang through my ears.

I stiffened at the sound, oddly curious even though I found it annoying. I tilted my nose, letting his scent engulf me and hummed at the lemon and sunshine smell. "I was just thinking the same thing." I said walking to the kitchen.

As I approached a tall lean male with olive skin and brown squinted eyes stared at me in disbelief through his thick glasses. I was usually a sight of beauty, but two days crying in a room wasn't kind to me. My black hair was in every direction, deep purple bags hung under my blood shot eyes, and a few pimples peppered my face.

I slowly approached the boy, sniffing him like a dog and he stiffened again. He extended one finger to my shoulder, pushing me away. "God you smell awful. Please back up ma'am."

I scrunched my nose and studied this strange boy. He looked to be 16 or 17 still with his baby face. His straightened spine and tip of chin made him appear like a snob. Although a cute boy, he was definitely a rich preppy know it all who thought he was above everyone else.

My magic searched his and once I connected to it I let out a growl. "Oh fuck me! A witch?" I slammed my fist to the counter.

"Oh, no thank you! Maybe you should shower. I can barely stand the stench, let alone dare to be seen with whatever homeless style you call this." The studious boy held back a chuckle, obviously finding himself amusing. I grabbed my bag and slammed the bathroom door shut.

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