Chapter 8 - Secrets and Magic

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Elena POV

"Time to train hoe!" Serenity said smacking my ass. I jumped from my bed rubbing my cheek. That girl had way too much energy.

"Why am I the hoe when you're the one that fucks every hot guy within 5 ft." I walked into my bathroom to wash my face.

"Girls! You need to stop acting like this. I don't care if you're in your bedroom or not." Helena scolded us. Shit! I didn't even see her there.

"Yes, Helena. I'm sorry." Serenity replied giving her puppy eyes. Helena rolled her eyes at how we both try to fane innocence all the time.

I peaked my head out with a mouth full of toothpaste "Not sorry Helena." I gave her a smile full of foam. She had already reprimanded me for apologizing the other day so I couldn't help but apologize by not apologizing.

The second my eyes left Helena's I jumped back thinking I saw a shadow grow out from my window, creeping it's way to my vanity. I shook my head and rinsed my mouth. What the hell was that?

'Are you messing with me Davina'

'Nope, I'm not sure if we are going crazy or if shadows now have souls either'

'Great! Even my wolf is as clueless as me.'

'You do know we are the same, right?'

'Well, then according to humans I am definitely crazy. Also known as multiple personality disorder'

'It's no longer politically correct to classify mental disorders as crazy'

'Argh, I hate myself'

"Elena come on we only have a few hours before breakfast. We need to get some training in since you skipped yesterday and the day before that." Serenity said bringing me out of my head.

She gave me a stern look and handed me my black leggings with a pink tank top. "Not my fault really. Plus, yesterday should count as political training. My date with Tyler turned into hours of listening to his parents go on and on about how the pack will be run after our wedding. He hasn't even propose to me yet and they have our whole life planned."

"Yeah, as if you would say no even if he is doesn't deserve you."

"Hey! He deserves me and of course I wouldn't say no. I love him. We are fated."

"Sure! Is that why you can't stop dreaming about the tall dark devil." Serenity teased me. I really needed to stop telling her everything.

"That is not true. Shut up." I blushed as my mind went straight to Ryker. I may have ranted over and over how he was now a guest on our territory but I thought it was about how much I disliked his smog ass.

"What are you two going on about and Serenity be mindful how you speak of your future King." Helena pointed at her in warning. Helena truly feared Serenity's mouth would one day get her head removed.

"Nothing Helena. You can ignore S." I pulled Serenity out the door before she got anymore verbal slaps.

"What? Deny it all you want but you know I'm right."
Serenity teased.

We always met either early morning or after school in the gardens to practice magic. We had to be discreet so no one discovered my secret. Serenity is able to get information and spells from a few rogue witches outside the kingdom then she teaches them to me.

The first spell she taught me was a protection spell, then a silencing, and finally a mirage. Since I wasn't a witch I needed earth elements to enhance my magic which Serenity secured for me too.

"Ok, get the wards up and let's get started. We have an hour and 45 mins to train." Serenity snapped at me to get moving.

I called earth and wind then sprinkled a few ingredients from my hidden pouch in my leggings to put up the protection spells. No one could see, smell, sense, or hear us.

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