Ch. 110 - Submit

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Nate POV

I spent the past few days in a rage. I was a ticking time bomb and I knew it was from being away from my mate. I pleaded with Hope to tell Ryker, but she refused.

We were miles apart and only half mated, yet I could feel her every emotion. They said how fated mates become one, but I knew this was something different. My every thought was of her, my ever desire was of her, and I had an insatiable need to be close to her, protect her.

I wasn't sure if she was aware why, but I knew a big part of it was because my wolf wanted pups. I had a burning need to start our family and an even stronger one to protect my family. I always wanted a family of my own, but I didn't think it would happen so soon.

I was at the training grounds, sparring with my father when I felt her presence become closer. At first I brushed it off, but the distance kept getting shorter and shorter. My father was in mid punch when I felt her enter my territory. His fist collide hard with my face and whipped my head to the side, spinning my body to the ground.

"Fuck Nate. I'm sorry!" My father kneeled next to me, but quickly jumped away. I was half shifted, growling through my canines.

"Son, calm down. It was an accident."

"She is here!" I rose to my feet, sniffing the air. "Whoever has her will die." I took off running after her, trying to close the distance I felt between us.

My father followed close by, but kept his own distance, afraid I would harm him. My father was one of the strongest wolves in our pack, but he always knew the strength I carried was unmatched by his own. My wolf was pure white and needed to be my family's ultimate protector.

"Nate, you are not thinking clearly. I know you found your mate, but you need to control yourself."

"No! I'm tired of these games. She is mine" I fully shifted and took off into the woods sniffing every inch of the ground. I could feel her close by, but something was blocking me. Magic was at work and I feared Luna Marissa took her again. Suddenly my only desire was to rip that woman limb from limb.

Lucian tilted his head to the moon and howled his vengeance. My father didn't know who I was declaring war on, but he know it had to do with my mate.

'Elena we need help. Nate lost control and Lucian is tearing up the forest looking for his mate. Do you know how to calm him?'  My father didn't know the princess well, but he knew I treated her like family. Since Damien linked us all he figured she would have the power to help better than he could.

'Leave him be.' Elena ordered, forcing my father to stop chasing me.

She didn't mean to order him, but her own rage was making her lose control. No one taught her how to calm her wolf because we didn't know she had one.

Elena's voice rang through my head forcing me to obey too. I wanted to protest, but I couldn't disobey her. I wanted to ask about Hope, but somehow I knew she was with Elena. I could feel her presence deeper in my territory now.

I ran pass my father grabbing his arm to follow.

"Nate, what the hell is happening?" He asked confused.

"Elena, Hope. Come meet my mate dad." I nearly pranced to my bedroom. I couldn't wait to introduce her to all of my family.

When I could finally smell my mates scent it made me take two steps at a time. I was so close to her, but needed to touch her, feel her safe in my arms.

I flew the door open and found a scary as hell silver eyed Elena forcing Hope to her knees.

"Release her, Elena!" I challenged, bringing Lucian forward.

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