Ch. 126 - Rebuild

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Hope POV

"Oh thank the goddess. Where have you been, mom?" I gave her hug but scolded her for leaving my younger siblings alone.

"I was at the castle. After everything that happened I ran back here. Ryker stripped Christopher of his Beta title. He can't do that. We can't let this family fall apart. He is too invested in that damn girl who just crowned Tyler as King."

Nate growled at my mom for speaking so disrespectful of Elena. "You will watch your tongue about our Queen. I'm done playing by the Shadow's rules." Lucian came forward and we could both feel the immense power radiating from his aura.

I took a second to swoon over his power then smacked his shoulder. "Enough, this is my mother, you will not growl at her, understood. As far as Ryker and Chris are concerned they can sort their own shit out. Right now, we need to get our people to safety. Go pack a bag mom!"

Nate smiled at my bossy tone and my mom looked between the both of us about to speak, but retreated to her room instead. She knew we were fated, and we trusted each other completely.

No one was ever getting between us again. This was my family now and I'll protect it just as ferociously as Lucian, just not as psychotic.


Nate held Rosie in his arms with mom, the twins, and myself close by as we walked to our pack house. Over a thousand people were gathered with just a bag or two to their name. Everyone was in an uproar, demanding answers.

I took to the small deck that we used like a stage to address our pack. The same two guards from my cell walked behind me and than another larger male with brownish red hair and sparklingly brown eyes stood by my side.

He greeted me with a small kiss on the check, but quickly stepped away when Nate's growl reached his ears. He was staring at him with black eyes already plotting his death. This was going to be an adjustment.

"Uh, Hope? Why is he about to tear my throat out." My second in command asked, pointing to Nate.

"He is my mate. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but now isn't the time, David. We need to leave!" I shot a look to Nate so he understood this applied to him too.

David was my second in command and former lover, but there was no time to explain any of that. I knew Nate was reacting out of jealousy and we needed to get our emotions in check to calm the crowd.

Nate climbed on the deck then stood beside me. "Nate, he is old friend. We don't have time for this."

"I know and that's why I'm just standing here. Lucian is going rampant in my head to claim you in front of all these people, so trust me, this is me being calm." He nodded for me to continue then looked out to the crowd. People were shouting that the Beta to the King's Alpha was here, yet they were supposed to be running from that same King.

"Please listen to me. I know you are all scared and confused. We don't have a lot of time, but I promise once we are settled I will tell you everything. For now, the best I can say is that The Shadow wolves still exist and they are being hunted by our former King. I know this because I am a Shadow and so is your Alpha."

The crowd gasped in disbelief.

"This is why you are all in danger. Our Alpha's order is to go to the caves and we need to move fast. Once it is safe we can return. Right now we need to leave. You've seen how brutal the King's army is. They won't care if you didn't know and they will kill every man, woman, and child they cross paths with. Everyone should had gathered one bag of clothes and one bag of food so we can start our journey."

I looked over to David hoping he would say a few words too. The past few months he had been training with all them and he could help sway them too. He nodded to me not needing any further explanation.

"I know you're scared, but what Hope is telling you is true. I am also a Shadow wolf and if you remember the lure of our kind then you know it is our responsibility to keep you safe. Every wolf wearing a black uniform is a shadow, we can dip out of sight and take anyone connected to us into the Shadows with us. If we encounter any trouble follow our orders and we will keep you safe. There only 62 adult Shadows who will all lead smaller groups. Line up behind these warriors and follow them to the caves."

Every Delta of the Shadow Moon pack was a Shadow wolf and for three years the regular wolves bonded with them, trusted them. They knew each Delta had incredible strength and now it was making sense how.

I stepped in front. "The caves are protected with heavy magics and we won't be detected there. This is only temporary until our Alpha returns."

The crowd shouted questions and concerns but also lined up behind the warriors in black uniforms. They had survived one attack from the Rogues years ago and they knew how brutal war could be. None of them wanted to wait around for the King's army to show up.

We trekked through miles of forest then open barren lands until finally reaching the caves. I could feel the apprehension in the air, but I did my best to comfort my pack members.

Nate never strayed too far from my side and he had Rosie attached to his hip. I couldn't help but blush at how protective he was of the both of us. Nate gave my younger brothers some pointers of how to help keep moral up and reminded them that they are part of the Alpha's family and carried Alpha blood. This was their duty just as much as it was mine.

Mom remained quiet to all of us, helping the older women calm their nerves with stories of the old days. She wasn't sure what to think about any of this. We went from being the most powerful wolves, to near extinction, then climbed up to be one of the most powerful packs, and now we were hiding in caves once again.

I wasn't sure how we would keep all our members safe. I knew I needed to though. I wouldn't turn my back on a single one of them and luckily my mate was by my side, helping me keep the peace as we fled to safety. We needed to rebuild, again, but I was confident we could come back even stronger.

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