Chapter 20: Dungeons

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Ryker POV

I couldn't get the words that boy said out of my head. "She is in the cells under the castle, but not for long."

I needed Elena safe, but I couldn't waste my chance to save my sister. Then she just blurts out where the dungeons are. This girl made no sense. I immediately mid-linked my mom and brother to get to her as quickly as possible.

Elena's eyes turned pure silver looking to me. I knew danger was coming, but damn was she sexy as hell when she let her wolf free. I felt a gust of air push against my chest, twirling my body in the wind storm she created to send me away in. "Fuck me!"

"Sorry and thank you!" She yelled as I flew farther and farther out of sight. I'm going to strangle that little she-wolf one day.

Once I gathered myself from being thrown a 1000 ft from Elena's air magic I raced to the library. I was in desperate need to get to my sister before it was too late.

My mind was racing a mile a minute at what Elena had just done though. I was pretty sure she has a silver wolf, can do both fire and air magic, and had a powerful Luna aura. One powerful enough to resist my Alpha's aura.

As I made it to the cells I could hear my mother screaming at inmates. There were several doors swung open and I feared the prisoners escaped and were now attacking my family. I ran pass one cell giving the whole scene a confused look of two guards tied to a chair, while a few other prisoners tortured them.

When I made it to the last open cell door I saw my mother whipping a wolf, while my brother sat in a chair smiling at the brutal beating. There were ten other prisoners tied and bound up against the wall. Some looked like they already had their beating as they sat in a puddle of blood.

"What the fuck mom?" My alpha aura poured out of me. The prisoners whimpered and my mother's hand froze mid whipping. Chris just rolled his eyes as he was forced to bow his head.

"Ryker, finally! Where were you? She is gone and no one is talking. Make them talk!" She demanded.

I slowly approached my manic mother, placing my hand on her shoulder. "It's ok mom. You know she is alive. We will find her." My hand slowly slid over the whip and took it from her grasp.

"Let me guess. The princess needed saving again?" Chris said disappointed that I came and ruined their sick fun they were having.

"Shut up Chris or I'll whip you myself." Mom threaten, stunning both of us. She never showed such malice to any of her children.

"Mom!" I warned her to calm down. She looked at me, a powerful wolf, one born of the shadows to protect all, but she had disgust in her eyes that I have yet to find her daughter.

"Don't mom me. You are by far the worst Shadow that ever existed. Your father would be ashamed at the way you run our pack and how little you can protect our family. She is gone and it is your fault, yet all you can do is protect that dirty bloodline of savages. You will find her..." Before she could finish her hateful rant I let my full aura out.

"Sleep," as the word left my lips her eyes fell heavy and her body limp. Chris jumped up and caught her, gently laying her on the ground.

"Fuck! What demon possessed her?" Chris said, moving the hair from her face. She look peaceful now, but the exhaustion was clear on her face.

"Why would you just sit there and let her rage out of control? Do you think it's good to let your wolf run wild like that? She could lose herself, or worse decide to just end it. I swear you get more and more reckless every fucking day Chris."

"Are you serious? Me? I'm the reckless one? She has been hanging on by a thread so I let her get some of her rage out. We all know she has been losing herself a little more everyday since Dad died. You! You are the one with your priorities all fucked up. Running around with the heirs to the Trio line when we are supposed to be fucking-"

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