Ch. 121 - We Got This

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Ryker POV

I dressed in my room with a grin on my face like
I did every morning after spending the night with my chosen mate. I had no clue how we were getting through today, or any day with Elena as Queen, but I wasn't giving up on our future together.

'Alpha, I got the asshole who raped and experimented on our sister. Meet me in the woods. We need to bring him to the King before Elena is crowned or he will walk free.' Chris' voice was a low dark tone coming through my head.

'Who?' I demanded, accidentally using my Alpha aura in my rage to kill whoever dared touch my little sister.

'Fuucck! I... wanted it... surprise. Nate!' Chris tried resisting my command, but it came over as waves making him submit.

'Nate? Damien's brother? Beta Nate? Do you have proof? Elena will have our heads if we lay one finger on him.'

'Afraid of a little girl, Shadow King?'

'Chris!' I shot a crippling pain through my brother's body.

'I'm messing with you asshole. Goddess, that fucking hurt.'


'Yes! I have video of every vile thing he did to our sister. I'm warning you it's graphic and it's bad, brother. We can't kill him yet. We need the King's approval to punish him first. I also have proof he killed his father which should be enough to sway the King. Elena and Damien will try to save him though. We need to bring this to him before she is crowned.'

A roar of growls vibrated through the castle and Chris' body. I was killing that boy and I would take pleasure in every tear he shed and scream I ripped from his body. I knew Nate was not to be trusted and Elena needed to be protect from him. She trusted too easily.

The whole way to met my brother my thoughts were of ways to torture Nate. I would hang him upside in silver chains and slice off little pieces of his body. Then I would get my witch to revive him from the brink of death, over and over again, for years to come.

I knew Elena would be heart broken though. Another one of her childhood friends betrayed her, but she would understand once she saw the video. She had to understand that someone that could hurt my sister this way needed to die.

I felt a weight lifted from his chest. This meant Hope should be clear tonight. If she was drugged and forced to mark him she wouldn't be punished. Plus, one more trio bloodline out of the way.

Luna Marissa POV

"Oh, this is working too perfectly my King!" I was giddy how everyone ate up my so called evidence. I even got my worthless husband taken care of too.

"Did you get the serum?" Alpha Blake had the same stoic dickhead face he always wore on. He never let his emotions take over before anything was complete.

"Of course! I hope this will solidify our agreement once again? My son is to be King and that will happen today!" I demanded.

A growl rattled in his chest for me daring to order him what to do, but he still needed me. Science and Magic was never his strong subjects. He would never admit it, but everything he accomplished was from my brain. Carmelita helped me a lot, but she was just an omega. It was me that did all this, and the Fae would know the truth when they came to us.

"Patience Marissa, Elena must chose him. After today the only friend she will have left is Damien, but that will end shortly. Tell your son to keep is dick in his pants and keep wooing her. She will have no one but Tyler to turn to and then he will be King. It's up to him now."

I gritted my teeth. I didn't want to waste anymore time because I was sure my half brained son would fuck up again. I needed to remove Damien and soon, but I didn't have anything on him. "Fine! I haven't been able to trace who Damien is meeting with, but it has to be a lover. He has turned down every she-wolf I threw his way. I'll speak to my son and make sure he is the only one left at her side to mend her broken heart."

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