Chapter 15: Diversion

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Meredith POV

I took possession of Helena's body and was immediately summoned to the Princess' chambers. When I arrived she was crying on her handmaidens lap speaking foul of both her father, Tyler, and my son. I wasn't sure what happened, but I knew it had to do with the lake.

"El, screw those pompous Alpha assholes. You are so much stronger than all of them. One day you'll see how powerful of a Queen you will be."

Serenity spoke with so much truth in her voice it was a little unsettling. How could this girl think a wolfless child could be anything as Queen?

"Serenity, I'm useless. I hate all of this. I hate all of them. My father treats me like a slave, my mother pretends I don't exist, Tyler is so hot and cold I'm not sure if he is even by my side for me or for my title. Then there is that asshole Ryker. He killed those Rogues to show me he had more power than me, and he was right. Just like how every other wolf in this world is more powerful than me. I'm tired of all it."

Serenity continued to brush her fingers through the princess' hair, whispering how amazing she is. I didn't understand any of it though. Nothing about this place was as it seemed.

Then while I was tidying up her clothes my son forced his way into the princess' bedroom. I quickly ducked into the closet knowing his wolf was at the front. Ryker was his wolf's name and he was one not to anger.

At first, I thought he wanted to put her in her place for not obeying him. The fact that lust swirled around him wasn't surprising either. Elena was a beautiful girl with tan skin, plump red lips, and gorgeous eyes that had the perfect mixture of lavender and blue. I may be Ryker's mother, but I wasn't blind to not only his desire for her, but all the man and even some of the women had for her too.

Once his voice dropped of anger, speaking softly with a teasing manner I knew he was here protecting her. His wolf of course needed to show his dominance, but there was more going through his head.

It was baffling to even think he would want to protect her when he was the one that said he was destined to end the bloodlines. What was even more concerning was that he did care for the girl.

I wasn't sure how to process anything that just unfolded before my eyes. Once Elena spoke his name my anxiety raced through every vein.

How could she possibly know his name? Did he tell her? Why would he do that? Does she know who he really is?

The only thing I knew for sure was that Elena affected my son in a way to make him do foolish things, which he has never done before. I knew I needed to take over Helena's body without my son knowing so I could learn more. I needed to be close enough to save my son from that little child playing Queen.

I hurried back to the storage closet and into the passageway. I left oak dust on the real Helena so hopefully I could draw out more memories of where she lived. My last hope was that the guardsman brought the keys home.

I was planning on just sifting through the memories to find her home, but after the earlier events I took my time to memorize as much as I could. When I took over this body I wanted to go unnoticed as long as possible. Once my brain couldn't handled anymore information I left the body in the passageway and headed to Helena's house.

"Hi sweetheart! You are getting home later and later these days, love." A tall man that looked to be in his later 40's spoke, placing on a kiss on my cheek.

"It's been a day. That princess is driving me crazy with her attitude and rambunctious behavior." I spoke, leaning my cheek into his kiss. I knew I wasn't really his wife, but it had been so long since I had someone to come home too.

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