Ch. 103 - Waiting

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Elena POV

The next few mornings I meet my family for breakfast,  but Ryker and Chris were not here. Now that they were officially a part of the council their presence was only needed for monthly meetings. It seemed odd not having them around everyday.

Damien updated the King that his warriors found a few rogue locations, but only had a handful of prisoners so they won't return for another two weeks. Nate, Damien, and I already discussed that they wouldn't hand over anyone else to be experimented on.

They ordered their troops to kill only if necessary. The soldiers mostly to let the Rogues be and provide protection to those that needed it. A few of the families they found we were able to get to Ryker to join his pack.

Once the King was dead we could decide their fates, but for now we needed to keep them from Luna Marissa's labs.

I slipped between the library shelves, wanting to head out to the gardens when the voice of a boy that was about to die by my hands reached my ears.

"Hey Elena, wait up!" Tyler pleaded. He jogged towards me, but stopped instantly meeting my silver eyes.

"Wait, please. I just wanted to say I'm sorry again and ask if it would be ok if I volunteered at the hospital? Full disclosure, it was your Dad's idea to try and get us closer, but you could use this to your advantage. I'll accompany you to the hospital and you can still do what you love. I swear I'll report back to him only what you want me to say and not speak unless spoken to. I just want to prove that we can still be friends."

"Friends? You actually think I would ever consider you anything but a dead wolf walking?"

"Right, sorry! Ok, then treat me like garbage and use me. I won't give any attitude or problems. Bonus, you get to continue your medical rotation for school. Only a few weeks left until you graduate."

"Please, my father won't let me go to school. I know he already forced them to hand me a diploma just to be done with it. He will have me under lock and key until I give him his grandson. I don't want anything from you or my father, so leave me alone." I said dipping into the passageway to head to the gardens.

He grab my hand and I growled ferociously at him. "Don't touch me!"

"Sorry! Seriously, I'm sorry. I just wanted to say to think about it, please. If you need me to get you out of the castle I can help. No strings attached, I promise."

"Too bad your promises are shit. Leave me, now!"

I was an angry mess the whole way to the gardens. I knew I needed to calm myself or I would accidentally burn the whole city down.

The problem was that Tyler was still a pack member and a werewolf. The Luna side of me wanted to give him a chance to prove himself, but the betrayal cut too deep inside me. I would never allow him to be close to me again, but eventually I would have to treat him like a pack member.

'Hey handsome. I miss you!' I reached out my mind-link to Ryker, needing him to calm me. It's been days since I saw him.

'Hey beautiful. Miss you too. Are you at the fields practicing?' His sexy voice rang through my head and it made my face light up. I couldn't wait until this was over. I hated that I couldn't have him in my bed at night.

'Almost. I needed to clear my head first and hear your voice.'

'I'm sorry I can't be there babe. I'm going to come tomorrow night for dinner. I could barely sleep last night without you.'

It was the truth for the both of us. We ended up talking most the night through our link, missing each other too much.

I spent two hours practicing my fire then headed back in before someone noticed I was missing. I spent a few hours in the library researching special wolves and witch's prophecy, but I didn't find much information. The castle was filled with fantasy books or human world novels. It was like my great grandfather just erased our history.

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