Ch. 27 - Aftermath

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Ryker POV

I watched in disbelief as Tyler's arm hung around Elena's waist and they disappeared with Serenity following behind. "Seriously! You guys buy all that bullshit?"

"What do you expect from the heirs, brother?" Chris said shaking his head at Damien.

"You don't know the King or what he would do to all of us if he found out we didn't drag her home. Her whole life has been orchestrated by what he wants. From who she speaks to, who she hangs around, and what she does. Tyler might come off as a pompous king licking asshole, but he knows how to play the game and is her best shot at getting out from under him." Damien spoke, hesitating with his words like he wasn't sure why he was explaining any of this.

"Whatever! The King doesn't push me around and if our supposed Queen wants to bow to him, then we are better off without one." Chris was disgusted with all of them.

This was why he believed so strongly they had to die. Nothing but weak puppets doing the bidding of a Savage King. He needed to be careful who he expressed this too. Damien and Nate had an unwavering protection for the Princess.

"Watch your words brother." I snarled, then shot him a mind-link to cool down. We had our game to play too. We were supposed to be here to serve the King. Talking like that could get us thrown out before we even got in. Plus, our sister was still out there somewhere.

"Whatever!" Chris walked away before he said something he would regret. He didn't know if I was just acting for the heirs, or actually trying to protect the princess. It was obvious I felt some way towards her. I was trying to push it down, but sometimes Chris knew me better than I knew myself.

"We should all head home and get our bearings. Two days until this town turns upside down into parties and celebrations. Elena wasn't kidding when she said the King will expect everyone to put everything back to normal by Sunday." Damien and Nate walked off, leaving me to stand in a sea of wounded wolves. 

My head was spinning at everything that happened. I tried rationalizing Elena leaving with Tyler, but I knew deep down it was just jealousy I felt. I didn't want Tyler being King, but it was becoming more than that now. I hated the idea that Tyler got to touch her body when every fiber of mine needed to.

I shook my head trying to throw out all the thoughts of Elena when a small hand pulled at my shirt. "You can't trust the savage bloods. They have secrets that can bring our end. Taste both temptresses if you like, but don't let them blind you. They all need to be punished my child. One shall die and one's fate has not been written. Only you can set the second on the right path."

The little boy fainted in my arms. "Dexter, Dexter!" I gently shook the boy, worried he would not wake. Carmelita ran to me and picked up the boy and placed him on a bed. She tucked him in, then laid a kiss on his head.

"Don't worry Alpha, he will be ok. The episodes he has take a lot out of him, but he is strong." The doctor's voice was like velvet as she spoke, perking my ears up. She would be a perfect distraction to the desires I can't have.

"You are good with him, Carm." I said, eyeing her up and down as she caressed the boy's face.

She was so motherly with him, yet so incredibly sexy. It made me want to know more. I needed to get close to a doctor in this town to figure out why or who was experimenting on my sister. I mine as well start with this one.

"Thank you. It kind of comes with the job. I always did love kids and want a bunch of my own. Still waiting for that stupid mate to come along though." She gave me a flirty smile and played with her bottom lip.

"Well, if you need company until he shows up, let me know." I said with a wink then turned and left.

I needed to update the King, but I made a mental note to come back to the hospital and check if the sexy doctor needed anything.

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