Ch. 117 - Mission to Kill and Save

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Serenity POV

Nicholas sat next to me, examining my face for a moment. He didn't want this to be the last time we ever saw each other, and neither did I. What if I die tomorrow with this half ass plan?

He moved his hand to my back, gently drawing circles to offer some comfort. I smiled that he couldn't help but constantly show me support. He was taught his whole life that werewolves were vile beast underserving of this life, yet he couldn't help but see me as something magical that belonged in this world.

"I know you won't harm her S. You going to get hurt trying to save a Queen that damns us all."

"I'll do what is needed of me."

Nicholas clenched his jaw. "S I can feel your devotion to her. You would give your life to protect her."

"It is my life to give. Don't worry about me, Nick. I'll be fine."

"What if I can't help but worry about you?" His voice was small pout like a child.

I lightly giggled, turning my head to face him. His playful smile fell seeing tears run down my face. He swiped the back of his hand over my cheek to remove those tears.

"I want to come with you." He whispered.


"I don't want you hurt. Who else is going to annoy the shit out of me everyday."

We smiled at each other. I knew it was not an option for me to sit this one out and Nick couldn't come with me.

"I have to go Nick and you have to stay here. I will be ok." I laid my hand on top of his, giving him a little squeeze.

We spent more time hating each other than being anything close to friends, but I knew what we were to each other. I wouldn't let his life be damned like mine though.

I stood up to find suitable clothes for a crowning ceremony, but he reached out for my arm, pulling me to sit on top of him.

"Nicholas, what are you doing?" I gasped, straddling his lap. He never been so forward before. He usually quivered in fear when I got too close to him.

"Finally, you say my name correctly." He taunted, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"This isn't a good idea. I'm a disgusting mutt, remember."

He lightly chuckled at my comment knowing he called me that more than once. His eyes couldn't help but trace my face as his fingers explored down my jaw line to my neck and shoulder.

I let out a small moan, trying to not let the tingling current of electricity explode through my body.

"It is a horrible idea, but I know we are something more to each other than enemies. I'm not sure what to do with that, but the need to protect you is too strong." He leaned his face to mine. "The need to kiss you is almost unbearable." Then his lips touched mine and I lost all reasoning.

I let his lips tease at me, his tongue swipe my bottom lip, but I would only give him a little access before shifting my head and denying him to have anymore. This wasn't what was right for him.

His hands slid down my back, tightening around my waist, then he flipped us so he was on top. "Kiss me back Serenity. I will figure it out eventually." He demanded and my wolf swooned at his authoritative tone.

I bit my lip, staring into his eyes. "I already figure it out Nicholas, but my soul is entwined with my future Queen. If we explore this further you won't be able to stay away from me. The need to be with me will grow to be almost unbearable. If I mark you then you will die or become like me. You don't want this life."

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